Well, I finished the book yesterday and clocked it in around 13 hours or so. Not that great...considering it took me 8 or 9 to read the sixth. BUT ANYWAY!
I was only really disappointed with small things...Like, for example, you don't fully know that Snape is a good man until after he dies. I think that his love for Lily and his motivation for doing the things he did should have been elaborated on a bit more.
There was also the thing how every wizard seemed to be some big, huge coward and couldn't stick to their own beliefs. They would all turn on each other for their personal benefits, and the major one here that disappointed me was when Xeno Lovegood did it to Harry after writing about how people should follow Harry and The Order.
Also, Ron, Hermoine, and Harry refused to tell anyone about what they were doing(looking for the Horcruxes and destroying them) even though that it would've made their lives ten times easier. I'm not sure if I could last that long doing nothing. Hermoine, maybe(I mean, she even gave up her family and made them forget about her!). But Ron and Harry?
Though a thing I did approve of was when Ron left the trio on page 310. It was most certainly, in my opinion, in his character to do so within ONE of the books. It was even more so in his character to return to them later on, which he did. When he did return and he was to destroy the Horcrux with the sword of Gryffindor, the locket revealed what Ron feared most and though this was predictable, it still made me 'aww' when I read it.
(the fact that Hermoine punched the shit out of him when he returned made me extremely happy!) Dumbledore knowing that this would have happened to Ron eventually, and leaving the Deluminator for him in his will was quite...I don't know.
Ron and Hermoine's kiss in all of the desperation and battle was a surprise, too. On page 625, fuckin' finally...though it saddens me while Tonks is running around to try and find Lupin, they both end up dead and they were two of my most favorite characters. I found it unnecessary to kill them, but since it's what the author wanted then I guess that's just how shit goes. With Harry being the God Father of their son, Ted, I found it a little repetitive. I was most sad that Tonks had died since she was looking for the one she loved(and who I love most!). Who couldn't love Lupin? He's a werewolf! The best one in the book(in all of them, really)!
I could deal with most of the deaths--even the deaths of my two favorite characters but when Fred ended up being murdered, I was shocked. First you make one of the twins lose and ear, and now you kill his other half! Splitting up twins like this is horrible, at least to me for these two and their extremely strong bond. It was just like, 'well fuck, what's gonna happen now?'
But come on, we all knew that Harry was the last Horcrux and that Voldermort was actually a big chicken shit and just wanted to be sure that he could live forever because he, himself, was afraid of the big ol' death. When you think about it, the only thing he was ever really great at was killing people off individually and scaring the shit out of others. If he never had his followers, he would be nothing.
Though, the whole nineteen years later epilogue thing was nice, I thought it should've been a simple thing like, 'Ron and Hermoine did this' or 'Harry grew up to do that' but it ended up with a story about leading some of their kids to the Hogwarts Express on platform 9 3/4s. I figured that Ron and Hermoine would always be together because that's just how it's been since we've first seem them grab hands many books ago. Harry and Ginny ending up married had me slightly baffled, because I would have figured that she would have either left him, or he left her with his as-of-late whiny attitude. I didn't think they'd last long enough to have kids, let alone get married.
But overall.
...it was pretty good.
I liked it. ^-^