Church Building Gone

Feb 06, 2016 13:15

Hey guys! I just wanted to say that my church and I were basically kicked out of the building that we had been sharing with another church since I was 14. I honestly don't mind because 1. They were racist towards us for no fucking reason and 2. because of that racism they believed that we stole stuff from them on many occasions. We aren't able to use that building anymore anyway because apparently it's going to be turned into something else. This is even more annoying and pisses me off because now our church people are meeting at our house. *huge sigh mixed with groans* Now I don't mind helping to clean our home it's just annoying when it seems like we're doing it so we can please our church people into believing that we live in a house that looks un-lived in.

Seriously when I am finally able to move out of this house and into my own apartment I'm going to do my best not to become one of those people who lose their shit whenever they are having guests over. If I clean I clean and if I don't I won't. All it really does is stress you out which is always a bad thing when you already have mental and physical problems that make it even worse. I've done my best these past couple of years to not give a fuck to anyone who wants to just criticize me and/or my family.

I just hope that one day I've finally succeed in truly not giving a fuck about anything people have to say about me. Especially when most of the shit that people say isn't true or isn't true anymore yet they keep bringing it up anyway.

I've had a least 2 months of rest from school and it doesn't feel like I've really had a chance to just relax and not do much. I've still cleaned, I've still run up and down the stairs to get stuff for people and whatever.

I really need to get a job so I can save up $5,000 or $10,000 so I can move into a cheap but nice apartment with myself and maybe my dog Toffee since she'll lose her shit if I really leave and don't come back.

Anyway, how has everyone been? I honestly keep forgetting to come on here and whenever I think about it tends to feel like a hassle sometimes even though it can be very therapeutic. Anyway, bye.

pissed, annoyed, church

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