
Jan 19, 2016 18:33

Hey everyone who still reads this, I just wanted to say that I'm sorry for not updating for 10 days but I was mainly getting ready for Ohaycon and most days are just too boring to write about. Anyway, I did go to Ohayocon and I have a pretty big haul I'll have to take pictures of everything then post them here when I can (hopefully in a few days). I decided not to take pictures at Ohayocon this year but I will next year and hopefully when I go to Matsuricon later this year. I had fun despite only going for two days (I wanted to go home early because I was straining the muscles in my upper part of my right arm and because there was a bit of drama early on the Saturday before my sister dropped me off, I just can't deal with drama mainly because I hate it a lot.

Anyway, I hope everyone had weekend full of laughs and yummy food and friends. Even though it's a new year some sad events have happened within the first few weeks of the year. I hope that things will get better. Moving on.

While I did receive my Kawaii Box (which was full of cute stuffs) I'm still waiting for my Loot Anime Crate, I've checked the tracking info and it will hopefully be here tomorrow or Wednesday (man this word looks weird when it's spelled).
Besides my Kawaii Box my health has gotten a bit better but I'm also a little worried because next Monday I'm supposed to be put to sleep so they can stick something down my throat to look in my stomach but hopefully I won't have to do it. My digestive system while still wacky is getting better. I just need to not eat anything with dairy in it, not drinking pop and not eating sweets. I also need to eat healthier because that will help me in the long run I just hope that I really don't have to go. I really hate hospitals and my parents are insisting that I go any though I don't feel comfortable with it. But whatever hopefully it'll work out and I won't have to go.

loot anime crate, ohayocon, kawaii box

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