I'm feeling blah

Mar 12, 2011 16:59

The reason why I haven't been on lately is because I was sick all week. And I'm just now starting to feel better, I still have a few symptoms of whatever the heck I caught but I'm slowly getting better.  It feels as if I've been in a prison. All I've been able to do is sit and watch tv all day. I've only been able to do a few chores this week. I've missed you guys. I was stuck in the house all week with hardly anything to do. Not to mention the fact that I've been having a hard time getting a job especially in our neighborhood, the closest jobs are at Meijer and Circle K. Meijer's application system is frustrating and confusing, and Circle K is kind of dangerous because every time we go there new people have been hired this is because they get robbed which I've never had to witness. (Thank Goodness) So I don't know what to do. The only bright side of this week is being at Barnes and Noble for about seven (?) hours but it doesn't really feel like I've been here that long. Still happy though. <3
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