Jun 22, 2011 01:55
Just realized that I haven't played FFXIII for weeks. Haven't played Hunted for weeks. Haven't posted here for months.
I really need to do something with this blog. If I could, I'd prefer to swing it over to WordPress.
Now that's an evil thought.
So far though, work wise, I've been ridiculously lazy. And that's just my fault. There's a secretary position looming at the end of the month, but there is also that web content position that I'm interested in that I still have applied for yet. Was going to today, but got pulled into work instead. As in paid work. Which I'm happy for, though it did put a hole in the middle of the day.
At the moment, I've been doing a lot of co-writing, which I enjoy possibly way too much. Fan fiction for the most part, though original fiction does appear from time to time.
The latest experiment has been a tentative voyage into posting extreme rated material. I'm still amazed that I wrote smut that graphic. Uh... It's talent? ~shrugs~
Anyway, I'll give some more thought to creating another WordPress blog just for this. *waves hands around to encompass LJ* I dunno. I like LJ, it's simple and clean, but I like the gadgets that WordPress has. *is guilty of camping the reader count bar*
Eh... I'm setting up a blog for this. Maybe I'll cross post just to keep this alive. I do like the other journals on LJ. At least they make it work for them.
living space