Mar 29, 2010 16:31
I have so much going on in my professional life, it feels like I should be saying something. But really, it's just.... stuff. I have my student seminar on Monday, which I'm mildly freaking out about, but I met with my advisor today and we went over the topics I'm going to talk about. So the only thing I have left to do is just put together the actual presentation. I know what I want to say in background, and what slides (of someone else's... because I'm pretty much taking their project over.. and they have great background and "What has gone before" slides) I want to use to lead in to my three points of interest. I know what slides I want to use to talk about my stuff, and which ones aren't already made, I know what I want to put on them, for the most part. I know how I'm going to move from one point to the other. So oddly, I'm not TOO high strung over it.
I also had an epiphany of "If I get data, then good. If I don't get data, then I try again." It's not worth having another complete and utter mental breakdown over. If it works, then I get data. If it doesn't work, then I re-set up some breedings, and I try again.
I still haven't gotten my committee meeting done because people are out of town. Bleh. This means my writtens will be sometime in July. Oh well. I've got tons of stuff to do in lab. Mainly genotyping mice and setting up breedings to try and get to my final strain that I will then just breed tons to expand the colony.
My personal life is still causing me a lot of anxiety, but there's nothing specific to say. Or there's nothing that really will help if I talk about it, so that just has to stay there until there is something to talk about, or there is something that talking about it will help. I know that sounds unhealthy, but sometimes talking about things does not make them better. And yes I know a certain someone reads this. But I also really don't like censoring what I write because someone might read it. If I really really didn't want anyone to read, then I'd put it in the other blog I have that only I can see.
Just overall, I'm busy. I feel like I should be doing more, but science goes slow. TAing blows goat balls, but that's mainly because of the current professor teaching. *shrugs*
Yeah, this isn't the best update. Really it's an update because my conscience says "You should update!" and not because I really have anything to say. Sorry.