the last few weeks of chaos condensed, much of which is forgotten anyway.

Nov 29, 2010 07:01

The last few weeks have been wreaked with physical ailment. A flu ran through us all. First it was Scrumpy then it hit me and the other 2 kids and finally my dad and steve. Im still recuperating 2 weeks on as I have had no rest. My life, unfortunately, does not allow for R&R. Among other things Lulu, who had been bitten by a rattlesnake over a month ago developed massive complications. The venom killed much of the muscle and tissue in her jaw and she developed gangrene. Truly one of the most disgusting veterinary cases I have dealt with. The smell is something totally singular and indescribable. I had to open up her jaw with a scalpel and over several days rotten liquified fascia oozed out the hole and I had to irrigate it with syringes. Despite the fact that my nose was completely stuffed up I could smell her standing 30 feet outside the barn. I think she has nearly fully recovered though, so thats good. Funny, I never really liked Lulu, shes kinda dumb and phlegmatic, but after treating her for 2 weeks I think we kinda bonded and I have become fond of her. I also taught in the kindergarten during much of this time- a fact made possible only by Dayquil. As a substitute teacher, you cant cancel, you are the back up. And around last monday while feeding the stock in the pouring rain I managed to slip in the mud and, as I was dragging the feedcart behind me, I twisted and tore the shit out of some rib muscles on my left side. As the days wore on the pain became more intense until wednesday when my entire back seized up and left me curled in a groaning heap on the barn floor unable to move. I managed to right myself and hobble hunchbacked up to my dads where I got a few vicodin from his stash, mixed them with some hardcore antiinflamatories and muscle relaxers, and chased it with cold medicine and red wine. A cocktail which numbed wonderfully.
When I was finally back on my feet wednesday afternoon I cleaned he house, did the barn chores and prepped for thanksgiving. I must say one good thing about the swimming brain caused by all those pharmeceuticals- it did not allow me to hyperventalate over the fucking holiday, and thus I managed to really enjoy myself. Thursday was a steady day of cooking, pies, veggies etc. Steve BBQed the turkey as my oven is half broken. My parents arrived. Steve invited a freind and his son who was once a good freind of Maeve and Griffins though they haddnt had much contact over the last year. And now that Scrumpy is 3&1/2 it became obvious that the two boys were not going to be great freinds- both having somewhat choleric personalities. Oh well, I played a bit of damage control during the TG feast but overall things went wonderfully well. Even my mother, who is still recovering from surgery to her wrist which was shattered in a fall about 3 weeks ago, was in good spirits. This was the best Thanksgiving in my lifetime, boy I have a lot to be thankful for.
Yesterday was My Steves birthday. What to say except I love him. Something is still eating at him he still seems down and preoccupied but I have come to the conclusion that its not me. Its probably the job/financial crap that always eats at men. At least he isnt being an asshole hes just more introverted and distant. Despite that we had a lovely day and last night we went out to dinner at a great place one of my best freinds runs. We had Irish coffee to end the meal and came home to a hot woodstove and warm cuddling.
And alas today is monday. Another week to schlogg through and jeezuss christ its nearly fucking xmas. I am going to try my dammned hardest not to hate xmas this year though I admit my enthusiasm is quite low. As is my bank account. Its going to be simple this year. Simple and cheap. And hopefully warm and well loved.
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