Seasonal Exchanges

Oct 29, 2015 14:26

So. After much thought, I made a conscious decision NOT to nominate/sign up for Yuletide this year. It's the first time in years that I haven't, and I'm on the pinch hit list so I may wind up participating yet, but for the moment at least, I am out. And I feel a surprisingly HUGE sense of relief at this.

Don't get me wrong, I LOVE Yuletide. But I put a lot of pressure on myself when I'm writing for it--even though I almost always love my assignment--and just taking that pressure off has me looking forward to the holidays SO MUCH MORE this year. I'm participating in a couple of other exchanges instead, and for whatever reason, I'm not feeling the pressure with them as much. (At least, not yet!) One is Due South Sekrit Santa--I've been on a dS kick anyway since I wrote it for rarepairfest, so that gives me a head start in a way. *g* The other is Festivids, which I missed out on for the past couple of years because of a) video editing software problems and a lack of source video to offer, and b) Yuletide pressures. I've really missed participating in both of these, so I'm glad I chose them. I can't wait to get my Festivids assignment and start planning. :-)

Yuletide, as much as I love it, had I think started to feel almost more like an obligation. The "but I don't want to be left out" side of me kept overruling the side that was burned out. And I think that was a mistake. I think it just burned me out more. Hopefully, taking a year off (or more, if needed) will help me get back the excitement and when I *do* come back, it'll be more fun and less stressful again. :-)

I will definitely still be reading the archive when it opens, and as I said, I may pick up a pinch hit or two if anything inspires me, but for now I'm just going to enjoy the break and focus on my DSSS and Festivids assignments.

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yuletide, fandom, dsss, festivids, ficathons

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