Dear Yulemouse,
First off, and more importantly than anything else, EEEEEEEEEEEEE, you're going to write a story for me! You have no idea how happy you have already made me just by virtue of this fact alone. *g* Please keep that in mind.
Secondly, there is A LOT of stuff I like. I multiship, I rarely have unbreakable OTPs, and I like just about every type of pairing genre (gen, het, slash, femslash, poly, etc.) and pretty much any rating. Which basically means if there is a story you feel inspired to write in whatever our matched fandom is, chances are--as long as you avoid the things on my dislikes list--I'll love it.
That said, I've always been firmly in the "too much detail is better than not enough" camp when it comes to fanfic exchanges, so there is a lot of information under the cuts. In fact, I swear it gets longer every year. *blush* But please don't be intimidated by that! The detail I provide is intended for your benefit. If you don't need it, please feel free to disregard at least 90% of it. ;-)
Anyway, without further ado...
- time travel
- telepathy/soulbonds (accidental or by choice in the case of the latter, not fated)
- crossovers
- fusions
- most other types of AUs not listed under dislikes
- gen, het, femslash, slash, poly, friendship fic, whatever
- holiday fic (as long as it's appropriate to the characters)
- women being awesome
- best friends become lovers
- committed, equilateral poly relationships
- love as a choice made anew every day
- worldbuilding
- three-dimensional original characters
- sex-swap fic
- incest
- rape/non-con/dub-con
- torture
- adultery/cheating
- underage sex
- power imbalances in relationships (teacher/student, chain of command, etc.)
- love triangles
- atypical use or graphic depiction of bodily excretions
- destined relationships (this includes soulmate AUs unless the trope is subverted somehow)
- A/B/O AUs
- betrayal of trust or a third party using the trust between characters against them
Babylon 5: Legend of the Rangers
Characters: Sarah Cantrell, David Martell, Dulann, Na'Feel
Request: More on 'ships and so forth in my letter, but in brief, I want backstory! Ranger training, how the characters met and became friends/crewmates, why each/all of them chose to become Rangers, etc. I don't want David/Dulann slash but only because that's ALL there is on AO3. I need variety! *g*
Okay. So I get why this one didn't make it past the pilot stage. The plot, well, to put it mildly it's a retread of the Shadow arc (and Thirdspace). But the characters...I just fell in love with the cast and wish we could've spent more time with them. I requested backstory partly because that's a good way TO spend more time with the characters without having to deal with the plot. (Although "they killed all the ships that made it through from the other universe and no others came through later" is also an acceptable alternative.)
That said, I also just love origin stories. So, what brought each (or all) of these characters to the Rangers? What was their training like? We know they trained or at least served alongside Tannier--what other established characters might they have known? Rastenn? Durhan? Turval? Did David and/or Dulann start their training while Sinclair was still Entil'zha? And if so, how would they react to finding out the truth about his fate? (Obviously they didn't know or the confrontation with the Grey Council would've gone VERY differently, IMO. Because Jeff would've slapped the Council silly for penalizing David for NOT getting his crew killed, and any Ranger who served under him would know that. *g*) How old was David when the Earth/Minbari War ended? Was he old enough to understand what was happening at the time, maybe even to have fought towards the end? And if so, what made him decide to join a Minbari organization? What about Sarah? SARAH. She's obviously a fighter, but what made her that way? What made her someone willing to try to punch and kick the universe into submission? ;-) What did David do to earn her unswerving loyalty? How are the Rangers viewed on Narn, and what kind of reaction did Na'Feel get from her family (if any of them are still living after the war with the Centauri) when she told them she was joining? And Dulann...his type of telepathy seems to be an anomaly even among Minbari telepaths. What was his upbringing like as a result?
Since I love B5, I would also love to see any of these characters interact with any of the B5 ones, although obviously that isn't a requirement since it didn't qualify. *g* But if you feel like it...I'd love to have one of the characters have a long heart-to-heart with Entil'zha--either Sinclair or Delenn. Or, Na'Feel obviously met G'Kar, but I'd love to see her actually interact with him. Or meet Na'Toth--based on what little I know of Narn naming conventions, they seem to follow the same religion, so they'd have more than JUST G'Kar in common to talk about. ;-) Put Sarah and Ivanova in the same room, or Dulann and Lennier, and I'll love you forever. *g*
Mainly, though, I just want more fanfic about these characters. There isn't enough (and ALL of it is David/Dulann, which is why I asked not to receive that as a ship, please--I love the 'ship, I'm just starving for something else too *g*). As for 'ships I *am* game for...David/Sarah or David/Sarah/Dulann would make me VERY happy, provided Sarah is not a third wheel in the latter. (And if it just happened to borrow Rivendellrose's (I think?) concept of a third Minbari gender--with her blessing, of course--even better!) If you can't write either of those, friendship between any or all of the requested characters would be awesome too. Also, feel free to include anyone else from the regular--or what would've been the regular--cast. :-) Malcolm, Firell, Tirk, anyone. Or pretty much anyone else from the B5 universe. *g* Except maybe Byron or Kefler.
Basically it would be VERY hard to make me unhappy with anything set in this universe. ;-)
Scarecrow and Mrs. King
Characters: Amanda King, Francine Desmond, Emily Farnsworth
Request: Again, more in my letter, but short version: spy girl shenanigans! I love Lee, but ADORE Amanda, Francine and Lady Emily. So give me two or all of them having adventures together.
This show has been part of my life for almost as long as I can remember. I think I was about...eight, the first time I saw it. It was so long ago that I can't remember where I saw it--at home or at a friend's house--or how many episodes I saw or WHICH episodes. But it made enough of an impression that when it started rerunning on The Family Channel in the 90s, I would "do my homework" in the living room downstairs so I could watch it, and when the DVDs *finally* started coming out, I bought them all as soon as I could.
Even so, it took me until I rewatched it on my brand new DVDs to realize how many AMAZING things this show did back in the 80s that a lot of shows still don't do. I love that Amanda didn't need a computer in her head to stumble into the spy world and be unexpectedly good at it (I love Chuck too, but partly because it WAS this generation's S&MK), just natural talent. I loved that Francine lived exactly the same James-Bondian lifestyle as Lee, and that the series never ONCE slut-shamed her for it (that I recall anyway), just treated it as a given of the jet-setting spy lifestyle. I loved that S&MK made an average-looking middle-aged woman one of the best spies in the business (Lady Emily) and gave Jean Stapleton a chance to show there was so much more to her than Edith Bunker in the process. It had its flaws--I could've done without the cattiness between Amanda and Francine after the first couple of seasons and the first couple of episodes where they became friends only for it to disappear again next week--but overall this show was brilliant in so many ways. Not the least because in an age before continuity was really a thing in TV, it figured out that Amanda couldn't stay the same bumbling amateur for four years, and allowed the characters, relationships, and the show to grow and change as a result.
So, yeah, I love the ladies and LOVE when they get into--and out of--trouble on their own. Like the episode where Amanda and Francine went undercover together as maids, or anything where one of them gets into trouble and the other has to come to the rescue, snarking all the way (it's okay if there's banter, just not cattiness). *g* I also love the mentoring relationship Amanda had with Emily and would love to see more of that. Also, for the record, I like Lady Emily much better in the "Amanda before Amanda was Amanda" role than Lee's mother. :-P And if all THREE of them were to have an adventure together? Possibly also involving an oblivious Dotty? *g* I would die of happiness! I love the rest of the cast too--Lee, Billy, the boys--so feel free to include them as well, just maybe in a supporting role. ;-) I 'ship Lee/Amanda, but if you can make Amanda/Francine work (ie: in an AU where she was the one to meet Amanda and unwittingly bring her into the life), go for it.
In terms of crossovers (because I always have at least one), there is one fantasy I have clung to for years but never been able to write myself, and that is Francine winding up with her own "Amanda" in a sense by bumping into, and getting mixed up with, Murphy Michaels from Remington Steele. That and I've always wondered how the crew at The Agency would react if Amanda turned out to be a descendant of the legendary spy Jim West. ;-) But, as always, these are the pipe dreams and I will be MORE than happy with Amanda, Francine and Emily staying snug in their own universe! *g*
Anna to the Infinite Power - Mildred Ames
Characters: Anna Hart, Michaela Dupont | Anna Parkhurst
Request: See letter for details.
Okay, so the reason I didn't put any request in my optional details on this one is because I was afraid I'd get too long-winded and wouldn't be able to summarize. *g* I've loved this book since I was in Jr. High, but my copy is currently out on loan to someone, so I don't remember everything about it. Such as the ending: my recollection/interpretation is that Anna and Rowan were released safely because of his blackmail scheme, but that all the OTHER Annas were eliminated. But I've had other people who read the book tell me they thought they were killed, so while I want to request a story about the woman Anna H. grows up to become, I don't know if I should call it AU or not. ;-) I also don't remember Michaela's fate.
But either way, I would love to see Anna as an adult. What does she wind up doing with her life? Does her family end up having to go on the run to protect her, or do they leave her alone? When and how does she find out about the other Annas' fate and how does she react? If Michaela survives, what kind of relationship do they have?
Also, if you're up for it, I would love to see a fusion with Orphan Black, which I have long considered the "grown-up version" of AttIP since even before I started watching it. *g* The two have very different ideas of how human cloning would work (OB's much more realistic, IMO), but what if they WERE set in the same universe? How would that change Anna's experience, or Sarah/Allison/Helena/Cosima/etc.'s? Are the latter Annas too (I know the Annas were blonde in the book, but they were brunette in the movie so it can be done *g*)? Was the strong influence of Anna Zimmerman's personality on Anna Hart's generation a deliberate thing to try to make sure one of them followed the right path, something they didn't bother with in the next batch?
If you're not familiar with both or don't want to write a crossover, though, I would be absolutely just as happy with the "what happened next" option that I mentioned first. :-) I don't have any 'ships in this book for obvious reasons, but if you wanted to give Anna a love interest as an adult--of any gender--I would be okay with that. It could be an original character or a character from another fandom, whatever works for you. :-)
The Addams Family
Characters: Gomez Addams, Morticia Addams, Wednesday Addams, Thing
Request: More details in my letter, but basically I would love something expanding on the universe of the movie. Tell me about Gomez and Morticia's courtship, show me Wednesday as an adult, give me Thing's origin (did he ever have a body?), etc. Any elements from the Charles Addams comics that aren't already incorporated into the movieverse would be welcome too.
I watched this movie last night at a Halloween party and was just reminded all over again how much I love it. Hence why it snuck in at kind of the last minute to steal one of my request slots. *g* I am less of a fan of "Addams Family Values" (because I feel that certain characterization elements got inexplicably dropped between films--like Fester being a ladies' man) but if you love it and want to incorporate elements from it (like Joel Glicker), be my guest! Please don't feel you have to limit yourself to the nominated characters, either. I love them all! I'd love to see Fester keep his promise to take Wednesday on vacation to the Bermuda Triangle, see Margaret and Itt's wedding, or even to find out about more about the Uncle Cosimo mentioned in one of the comics. *g* Or, if you want to get really meta, tell me the story of how proud the Addamses are of Cousin Charles' success as a cartoonist. ;-)
Or, give me a different perspective on the Addams' world. Go back or forward in time from the movies like I mentioned in my prompt, take me to another part of the world (I'd love to see the extended Clan...what are the Addamses living in Morocco or Korea or Brazil like? Or anywhere in the world, for that matter). More than anything I love the weird but surprisingly sane (if you think about it) worldview of the Addams clan, and the sly critique it makes of the things we value as a culture. So, give me the Addams' take on a current issue--what do they think of the fact that rape is more socially acceptable than consensual sadomasochism in a relationship, for example? Also, Fester courted both of the Amor twins, so they're obviously okay with poly. It seems to me they'd be equally supportive of any other kind of relationship. And considering the skewed, borderline magical nature of the microcosm they live in, mpreg or fpreg would for once not weird me out, because with them it could probably happen! So, introduce the cousin with a same-sex partner and their completely biological baby girl. *g*
Also, if you're up for it, I'd love to see a crossover with any other property that has a similar playfully-macabre sensibility, like the Gashleycrumb Tinies (one of the sculptures in the cemetery in the movie is a blatant nod to Gorey's animation for the opening credits of "Mystery!"), or St. Trinian's--the recent movies, not the comics, since I haven't seen the latter. Maybe Wednesday goes to St. Trinian's for school. Or maybe the Frittons (or any of the girls at the school) are part of the extended Addams clan? At the very least, it would be fun to have them meet. *g*
In terms of 'ships, I 'ship Gomez/Morticia and Wednesday/Joel HARD, but except for the former I'm also pretty flexible, so go with whatever inspires you. I would not say no to the romance of Wednesday with Annabelle Fritton, for example. ;-)
TL;DR version--just about anything about the nominated characters or pretty much any other member of the extended Addams clan (canon or original) would be welcome!
Just Shoot Me!
Characters: Maya Gallo, Elliot DiMauro
Request: As above, more details in my letter but short version: I shipped Maya/Elliot like crazy back in the day and would love a fix-it for their relationship, but if you don't share that 'ship, Blush shenanigans with the rest of the cast are also welcome!
Okay, so it's been a very long time since I saw past season 3 of this show but I don't mind spoilers because I have no idea how soon (if ever) they'll release the rest on DVD. I 'shipped Maya and Elliot from pretty much my earliest memory of the show, and I was massively disappointed in how it ended. I felt like they fell prey to the same thing as Barney on HIMYM--the show didn't want to give up their womanizer character. Perhaps because of that, my kind of fantasy fix-it for Maya/Elliot is Elliot somehow getting hired as Barney & Robin's wedding photographer and getting inspired by their success to give things another try with Maya. (You can obviously ignore most of the series finale of HIMYM for this. *g*) But really any fix-it for their relationship would make me deliriously happy.
That said, I more than get that not everyone who watches a show likes the canon pairing, so please don't feel you have to write the 'ship if you don't. Nor are Maya and Elliot the only characters I love. I adore Maya's relationship with Jack, and any banter between Nina and the boys is always fun, as is Nina and Maya having moments of unexpected (to them) sympathy and/or friendship. Honestly, of the main cast, Finch is probably my least favorite, but that's not saying much except for how much I love all the others. *g* Feel free to stick to the show's usual formula where one of the characters does something completely selfish and it backfires on them karmically, but I also love those moments when the characters' shallow facade cracks and allows something deeper and more compassionate, because if those moments didn't exist, I don't think it would be possible to love the characters as much as I do. You don't even have to immediately step on it like the show usually did. ;-)
Oh, and if you're in the mood for the most insanely obscure crossover ever, figure out a way to make Nina related to or somehow connected to Darryl Van Horne from Eastwick and I will love you forever. *g* I mean, if anyone could be the Devil's wisecracking older sister... ;-)
Whatever you decide to do, JSM was just such a fun show and I enjoyed it so much that once again, there's not much you could write for this that I wouldn't love.
The Wild Wild West
Characters: James West, Artemus Gordon
Request: If you're up for it, I'd love to read about the adventures of Jane West and/or Artemis Gordon, but if sex-swap AUs aren't your thing, I'll also happily take Jim and Artie being awesome together. Maybe meeting a few of the other Tall Tales of the Old West, like Calamity Jane or Pecos Bill. *g* More in my letter.
Okay, so let me be frank up front: I have only seen a handful of episodes of this show thanks to a friend who shows it at a weekly group viewing party, but I am TOTALLY okay with spoilers. It's not like the show is heavy on the continuity, after all. ;-)
I requested a sex-swap AU because as much as I love the show, I think I would love it even more if it were the adventures of two women saving the world with a combination of butt-kicking, disguises, cool gadgets, torn clothes, snappy dialogue and irresistible sex appeal. *snerk* But I know not everyone feels comfortable with that genre, so just give me Jim and Artie being themselves and I'll be just as happy. Artie hits all of my "loyal sidekick" buttons hard, and Jim...well, Robert Conrad only ever seems to play one type of character, but DANG he plays it well. And it's hard to complain about a swashbuckling hero who loses his shirt at least once an episode and walks around in tight pants that make Captain Mal's look baggy the rest of the time. ;-)
I don't think the show ever gave us an origin story, so if you want to write about how Jim and Artie met and became partners (or what they were doing on their own before that), I would love it. Or if the show did give us one and I just haven't seen it yet, feel free to make up your own version. I won't know the difference and I'll probably like it just as well as, if not better than, anything the show could come up with. ;-) I mentioned I would love to see them meet some of the Tall Tales of the West, but feel free to play fast and loose with history like the show does too. Maybe they save Lincoln and it changes the entire course of Reconstruction for the better, or something like that.
That said, I like the light-hearted tone of the series so I don't want anything too serious or angsty on this one. The Wild Wild West is clearly not set in any version of reality. *g* So, while I 'ship Jim/Artie HARD, I don't want them to be treated the way a same sex couple probably would've been in the Old West if they do get together (also, please don't disregard their canonical affection for the opposite sex if you do go that route--please just make them bi instead of performing cartwheels to make them gay *g*). I *would* like to see them interact with PoC who don't fall automatically into horrible cultural stereotypes like they usually do on the show, however. :-/
Finally, because I am a sucker for crossovers and I can always find one or two that I like with any show...*g* If you should happen by some bizarre chance to be matched to me on both this and Scarecrow and Mrs. King, I would dearly love it if Amanda turned out somehow to be Jim's descendant. *g* A team-up with my other favorite steampunk western TV duo, Pratt/Bartok from Legend, would also not go amiss, but I wouldn't be surprised if you haven't seen that so it's obviously not a requirement. *g*
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