Dear Prime Time Player,
THANK YOU so much for writing a story for me in one of these fandoms! I love them all so much and they're all too big for Yuletide so this is one of my favorite times of year next to Yuletide. *g*
The first and most important thing to know about me is that I am INCREDIBLY easy-going. I tend to pour a lot of information into these letters because a) I'm naturally verbose and b) I figure better to give you too many options than too few, but I'm not kidding when I say pretty much ANYTHING about these characters would be adored. :-) I'd prefer if you avoid my squicks and NoTPs, but that's all. The prompts are purely provided for your convenience. Also, the number of prompts provided in NO way indicates a preference among the requested characters. :-) Since I know whichever fandom we matched on, you've matched on all the characters, if you *can* work them all into one story? That would be awesome. But you don't have to! You'll even notice that most of my specific prompts will be for just the character in question (and those that aren't I only list under one of the requested characters involved for simplicity's sake).
- time travel
- telepathy, especially an exclusive telepathic bond between two--or more--characters in a relationship (I blame Pern *g*)
- unilateral threesomes/moresomes (ie: all characters love or at least want each other equally, no one is the third wheel)
- crossovers (between any of these universes or with one/more of these universes and any other fandom I like)
- alternate universes
- love as a choice made anew every day
- best friends make the best lovers
- incest
- adultery/cheating
- statutory pairings (not an issue with any of the characters I requested, but just in case... *g*)
- MFEO or otherwise "destined" relationships (Destiny on the whole is a complex concept that I have a complex relationship with *g*, but in relationships, CHOOSING to be with someone is much more romantic, IMO.)
- any sort of massive power imbalances in relationships (ie: mentor/protege, commanding officer/subordinate, teacher/student, A/B/O AUs, etc.)
- character bashing of anyone, even characters I dislike
- abuse of trust or a third party using the trust between characters against them
- unusual use or graphic depiction of bodily excretions
Babylon 5
My favorite things about this universe include the Minbari people and culture, the Rangers, and the show's handling of religion. Favorite characters aside from the ones I requested are G'Kar, Na'Toth, Vir, Lennier, old!Draal, Garibaldi, Ivanova, and Brother Theo. I don't like Byron and I'm not too fond of Catherine Sakai, but just about anyone else is fair game. :-) Oh, and with a few rare exceptions that I can't quite explain even to myself, tentacle sex is a big NOPE for me, so please nothing graphic involving a Centauri. *g*
As for the characters I requested...
Delenn - DELENN. I have an absolute weakness for female characters who are badass without being warriors and Delenn is one of the best of those. And yes, Delenn is pretty handy with the Denn'bok when she wants to be, but it's not central to her character. *g* I love her relationship with her faith, I love her as a diplomat/ambassador/lady who can intimidate her way out of a battle before it even starts, I love her quest for redemption for her role in starting the Earth/Minbari War, basically I love EVERYTHING about her.
SHIPS: Delenn/Sheridan/Sinclair, Delenn/Marcus, Delenn/Sinclair, Delenn/everyone, in that order. ;-) I also love Delenn/Sheridan, but being canon that's a lot easier to find fic for so I generally request other things when I'm requesting. But if that's what you can do, go for it! :-)
FRIENDSHIPS: Delenn & Draal, any of the above 'ships, Delenn & EVERYONE
NO-TPs: ...none that I can think of at the moment?
-& or / Sinclair, she confesses to him her role in starting the Earth/Minbari War
-After WWE, reconciling the Sinclair she knew with the Valen she always believed in
-& or / Marcus post-G17iM, realizing what "die for the One" really means when *you're* the One
- /Marcus or any 'ship, Sheridan being "the one who will be" means he has to go to the future like Jeff did the past, how does Delenn handle both the personal loss and still winning the War?
Jeffrey Sinclair - Time travel + Minbari culture + Rangers + religion...gee, who's surprised that I love Jeff? ;-) "War Without End" was actually one of the first B5 episodes I ever saw, so to say it hit all my buttons and pretty much shaped my view of the entire rest of the series would not be inaccurate. *g* I'm most curious about Sinclair's life as Valen and what it means that he "traveled beyond" at the end. Also, as amazing as his ending is, it's also so incredibly lonely, so I love AUs where he doesn't have to make the journey alone.
SHIPS: Sinclair/Garibaldi, Sinclair/Sheridan/Delenn, Sinclair/Delenn, Sinclair/almost everyone
FRIENDSHIPS: Any of the above listed 'ships, Sinclair & G'Kar
NO-TPs: Ironically, I'm not fond of Sinclair/Catherine or Sinclair/Carolyn and that's about it :-o
-any 'ship or gen, Sinclair|Valen is somehow returned to the present after his work is done
-any 'ship or gen, the people Valen gathers around himself are earlier incarnations of present-day characters
-any 'ship or gen, pick up Sinclair's character development where To Dream in the City of Sorrows left off and get him to WWE
-& or / Garibaldi (+ other character of your choice if you want since Minbari culture revolves around 3s *g*), Garibaldi goes with him into the past
-& S5-era G'Kar, two surprising (especially to them) religious icons SOMEHOW getting together to commiserate
Marcus - How does anyone not love this walking mass of contradictions? I'm sure there's an answer to that, but I don't really want to know it. *g* I love how light-hearted he takes care to seem...and how broken he is underneath, that his friendliness and cheerfulness is really to prevent anyone from knowing how lonely and guilty he is. I love that he's at once a cynic and a romantic, but looking for something to die for instead of something to live for. And most of all I love AUs where he lives in spite of it.
SHIPS: Marcus/Franklin, Marcus/Susan/Franklin, Marcus/Delenn, and ditto what I said above re: Sheridan/Delenn where Marcus/Susan is concerned.
FRIENDSHIPS: Any of the above 'ships, Marcus & G'kar, Marcus & Sinclair, Marcus & Duncan, Marcus & assorted lurkers
NO-TPs: none really
- / or & Delenn, dying for the One is easy, living for her is harder but so much more worthwhile
- / or & Franklin(/Susan), splitting the time on the Machine means no one has to die for Susan
- / or & Sinclair, Day of the Dead AU where Marcus survives long enough to have his own visitor
- Ditto only gen with William instead of Sinclair
- / or & Delenn, finally convinced to do the Nafak'cha (rebirth ceremony) and give up his grief
- any 'ship, finding something to live for
Ta'Lon - I can't say he's my favorite Narn because I also adore G'Kar and Na'Toth, but he's the one I most badly want fic for that doesn't exist. I LOVE how far he came from the desperate, despairing creature John first found aboard the alien ship, that in some ways he has a sense of personal peace and purpose long before G'Kar does and yet still chooses to follow G'kar. I also love his sense of humor and the way he seems perpetually amused by those around him, even those he respects the most. *g*
SHIPS: I...haven't really thought about 'ships for him so feel free to throw ideas against the wall and see what sticks. *g*
FRIENDSHIPS: Ta'Lon & G'Kar, Ta'Lon & Na'Toth, Ta'Lon & Sheridan, again, anyone you want him to interact with would be great. :-)
NO-TPs: none that I can think of
- any 'ship or gen, post-series Ta'Lon joins the Rangers
- any 'ship or gen, AU where Ta'Lon joins the Rangers before Sinclair leaves and/or Marcus dies (or Marcus doesn't die) so he can interact with them *g*
- Ta'Lon POV on Na'Far and G'Kar and why his loyalty changes from one to the other
- Helping rebuild Narn
Doctor Who (Big Finish)
When I first started watching Doctor Who, surprisingly it took me a little while to get into it. But once I did, I very quickly shifted into "where has this show been all my life?" mode. *grin* (The fun thing is the answer was "on PBS," one of the few stations we got clearly when I was a kid, but I had the misfortune of having two parents who are *not* sci-fi geeks. ;-) ) I discovered Big Finish after I fell in love with the Eighth Doctor and wanted more for him than just one crappy movie. And the rest is...well, pretty much history. *g* I love the freedom they have--sound effects are a LOT cheaper than visual effects so BF can do a lot of things the show probably *still* couldn't afford--but the fact that you still have the actors involved. The novels, as much as I love the idea of them, are a lot harder to find and you don't get to listen to Paul McGann's voice. ;-)
Now to break it down by character...
Charley - CHARLEY. Charley Pollard in one audio rocketed to near the top of my favorite companions list. I love her spirit, her sarcasm, her surprising maturity for her age, her sense of fun and adventure, her responsibility...everything. :-) I like slightly less the direction they took her character in during the Divergent Universe arc, so while I don't want you to ignore it...please don't set anything there. Most of all, I love her relationship with the Doctor in pretty much every aspect, as friends, potential lovers, actual lovers, whatever. And I am eagerly awaiting her spin-off!
SHIPS: Charley/Eight, Charley/Benny (I know they're from different EU continuities, but it's Doctor Who, there's got to be a way to make it happen *g*), Charley/Martha, Charley/Nine, Charley/Jack, Charley/Doctor/Jack, Charley/Doctor/Benny, Charley/being awesome...
FRIENDSHIPS: Charley & Six, Charley & any Doctor, Charley & the Brig, Charley & Donna, Charley & Romana, any of the 'ships listed above
NO-TPs: Charley/C'rizz in any combination. Sorry, I don't dislike C'rizz but I just don't find him as interesting. :-( Friendship fic with them and the Doctor, though, is fine.
- / or & Eight, reunited after "The Girl Who Never Was"
- / or & Benny, swapping stories about the Doctor
- & the Brig, meeting again after the events of "Zagreus" and Charley telling him about the TARDIS
- & Donna, Charley helps her get her memory back
Benny - It's funny, but most of the things I love about Benny are the same things that make her so dramatically different from Charley. *g* I love how much fun she is, that she's a lech and a lush and can be at times utterly, deliberately, blissfully irresponsible. I love that she always has a quip at the tip of her tongue and her attitude of cheerful cynicism. I even love the fact that she isn't in love with the Doctor, she just had to get her hands on some of that McGann (and who can blame her?). *g* That said, my exposure to her is limited to her BFA adventures with the Doctor (and The Dying Days), so too many references to her stand-alone series will most likely confuse the heck out of me. :-/ I don't mind spoilers, though, because it'll be a while before I can afford her solo audios or find her books, as long as the story doesn't rely on them too heavily. *g*
SHIPS: Benny/Eight, Benny/Charley, Benny/River, Benny/Jack, any combination of the above *g*
FRIENDSHIPS: Benny & Seven, Benny & Ace, Benny & Seven & Ace, any of the 'ships listed above
NO-TPs: I don't mind background Benny/Jason or Benny/anyone from her solo audios or books, but I don't really know the characters so you'd lose me if it was too important *g*
- /Charley(/Eight or /Jack *g*), "teaching" Charley about the future...*g*
- / or & River, working on a dig together or otherwise bonding over common traits/interests
- /Jack, helloooo pretty
- any 'ship, getting out of trouble's not half as much fun as getting into it
The Brig - Ah, the Brig. The Doctor's longest--and most long-suffering--friend. *g* When we lost Nick Courtney a couple years ago it gutted me, and it meant the world that they had the Doctor having the same reaction because he WOULD. BUT in Eight's part of the timeline the Brig is still alive and well and snarking up a storm in his understated, matter-of-fact way. He's still taking on the monsters with a stiff upper lip and a dry remark, and enduring the Doctor and his companions with that same fond resignation. I just wish he'd gotten a better audio adventure with Eight and Charley than "Minuet in Hell." :-( "Neverland" was better, but it wasn't really him.
SHIPS: I don't actually do a lot of 'shipping with the Brig, but I do enjoy Brig/Sarah Jane. Otherwise, any of his canon love interests are fine. :-)
FRIENDSHIPS: Brig & Doctor (any Doctor), Brig & Sarah Jane, Brig & UNIT, Brig & Kate father/daughter shenanigans, Brig & Charley, Brig & any of the Doctor's companions *g*
NO-TPs: ...the Master, maybe? *g* None, really.
- gen or any pairing, finally meeting that alien menace that isn't immune to bullets
- & Kate, what happened between "Downtime" and "The Power of Three" to make her follow in his footsteps?
- & Jack, bloody Torchwood
- & any companion, bitching about the Doctor over a pint *g*
- & Eight & Benny & Charley, working together to save the world
Eight - My favorite Doctor hands down and I almost missed him! I'd heard bad things about the TV movie for years, and might not have given it a shot if I hadn't had a crossover I wanted to write that would work best with Eight. Thank heaven! :-) I tend to love the gentleman Doctors best, so three of my top five are Eight, Five and Three. *g* I love his sense of childlike wonder, his innocence, his politeness, his subtle but wicked sense of humor, his carelessness, his petulance at times, his absolute devotion to his companions even when the fate of the universe is at stake...everything, pretty much! As a person I don't love his cruel streak, but as a character it makes him ever so much more complex and interesting! *g*
SHIPS: Eight/Charley, Eight/Benny, Eight/Sarah Jane, Eight/Jack, Eight/Martha, Eight/TARDIS...
FRIENDSHIPS: Eight & the Brig, any of the aforementioned 'ships... *g*
NO-TPs: No companions from the TV movie or Roberts!Master, please. I found the movie as a whole way too Americanized and kind of love Eight in spite of it, not because of it. ;-)
- / or & Benny or Charley, what if he hadn't been alone in "Night of the Doctor"?
- gen or 'shippy, meeting and/or reuniting with any companion from a different era (except Rose or Turlough, please--Rose because it's been done quite a bit already, Turlough because I just don't get the appeal *g* )
- / or & Charley, something restores his memory of the real way they parted *sob*
- gen or any 'ship, how do you avoid a war that involves all of time and space?
- gen or any 'ship, AU of "Day of the Doctor" with Eight (with or without Nine and/or the War Doctor too)
How I Met Your Mother
Oh, wow...this is a tough one. *g* I have watched this show pretty much from the beginning (I skipped most of Season 5, not because of any content but because I just couldn't handle the fandom's reactions to it) and while parts of it have been stronger than others, I always loved it because the characters felt like real people. Most sitcoms, the characters are more caricatures, stereotypes that you're invited to laugh AT. HIMYM felt like it was inviting us to not only care about its cast, but laugh and cry WITH them. The finale...the finale would've worked brilliantly when the final scene with the kids was filmed, in S2 when most people were still rooting for Ted and Robin. But they made the mistake of locking themselves into an ending that the show and the characters had already outgrown. *sigh*
Since my primary 'ship for both these characters is each other, I'm just going to list them together... *g*
Ted - I LOVE Ted. I know a lot of fans don't, and I know a lot of them didn't even before the finale, but I never understood why. Yes, he had his jerky moments, but not half so many as Barney, who was the fandom's woobie (and who I love as well, for the record). Ted isn't perfect, but he's so sincere and earnest and tries so hard and wants to be such a good person and a good husband so badly that I found him very easy to forgive. Like everyone, I wanted him to get over Robin and move on so he could be happy...but unlike a lot of people, I still believe he did. But I had an uncle who married a woman he'd known before my aunt after she died, so I know it happens. And again, I guess that makes it easier to forgive.
Tracy - Another problem with the finale is that the writers in a way did TOO good a job with Tracy. Introducing a character in the ninth season of a show and making the audience fall in love with them is HARD (just ask the writers on The X-Files). But Tracy...she wasn't just perfect for Ted, she was the perfect addition to the group and the perfect match for the fandom. She was geeky and quirky in all the same ways that made us fall in love with the rest of the gang, but even in the brief time we got with her, we also got to see what made her unique. How she had her own dreams and friends and sorrows and tragedies and ups and downs. And most importantly, that she was sharp and self-aware enough that she wouldn't have settled for being second best in Ted's life, not after Max. We fell for her as hard and fast as Ted did...but we didn't get six years to get over her when she was gone, only seconds. At least, that's my take on it. *g*
SHIPS: Obviously, Ted/Tracy. *g* As I mentioned in my prompt, I love them SO MUCH and I want to see them in love and happy together. Other 'ships for the show which are more than welcome to co-exist with these two include: Marshall/Lily, Robin/Barney, Marshall/Barney (only if Lily is permanently out of the picture :-( ), Marshall/Lily/Barney, Robin/Ted/Barney, Ted/Tracy/Robin, Marshall/Lily/Ted...okay, so basically the whole cast had crazy chemistry with each other. *g*
FRIENDSHIPS: the gang, Tracy & Juliet, Tracy & Cindy, Cindy/Cindy's girlfriend & Juliet hanging out with the gang
NO-TPs: ...can't really see Marshall/Robin, Marshall/anyone without Lily being a) involved or b) never existing, or Barney/Ted, other than that, go nuts. *g*
- Ted/Tracy & Ted/Robin canon-compliant, why it took Ted six years to get over Tracy
- Ted/Tracy and any other background pairings, AU where she didn't die :-(
- Ted/Tracy, Luke is totally named after Luke Skywalker
- Ted/Tracy, any other additional glimpses of their life together, AU or canon-compliant
due South
I watched this show sporadically when it was on, but never really got into it the way some of my friends were, and probably only saw the Kowalski era. Then about a year ago I found the complete series dirt cheap on DVD, so I bought it...mainlined it...and promptly fell head over heels in love with Detective Ray Vecchio. Yeah, Fraser and Kowalski and Dief too, but VECCHIO. The series finale still breaks my heart because dang it, it should've ended with BOTH Rays with Fraser. :-( (I OT3 kinda hard in this fandom. *g*) But at the same time, I love a lot of the awesome ladies in the show and wish they were more central, hence the role reversal prompt for Maggie, Frannie and Stella. :-) But I know that's a complicated request (or I would've written it myself by now *g*) so I would be MORE than happy with the three of them just interacting with each other and with Ray(s) and Fraser.
Character by character...
Maggie - I love that she's in many ways a female version of Fraser, and yet at the same time still her own person. That she's not as compulsively polite in the same way he is, that she's a little less self-controlled, and yet like him being a Mountie is in her blood, and like him she values justice and honor as highly as anything. She would've made a fantastic recurring character and a wonderful foil for Frannie (or Stella) and the series would've been a very different show focused around her. *g*
SHIPS: Maggie/Frannie/Stella (I OT3 the boys, why wouldn't I with the girls? ;-) ), Maggie/Kowalski, Maggie/Frannie, etc.
FRIENDSHIPS: Maggie & Fraser, Maggie & Frannie, Maggie & Stella, Maggie & Ray (either Ray or both *g*), Maggie & Dief...
NO-TPs: I don't do incest so please no Maggie/Fraser even unwitting on their parts
- gen or /Frannie(/Stella), the aforementioned lady-centric AU of the series *g*
- gen, she and Fraser getting to know each other better
- gen, AU where Maggie's mom raised Fraser instead of his grandparents
- / or & Frannie + Stella, girls' night out
Frannie - There is so much more to Frannie than her fixation on Fraser, but unfortunately the show didn't always see fit to show that to us. Someone on a dS community I belong to once commented that the great thing about Frannie is she doesn't know she's the sidekick, she's the hero of her own story. That's a great summation of her, and it's what makes her so much fun. So that's the Frannie I'd like to see, regardless of the context. Yes, she's not always the brightest bulb in the traditional sense, but she has her own sort of intelligence and knows her own mind better than I think anybody else on the series.
SHIPS: Frannie/Kowalski, Frannie/Maggie/Stella *g*
FRIENDSHIPS: Frannie & Ray (either Ray or both), Frannie & Fraser, Frannie & Welsh, Frannie & EVERYONE
NO-TPs: Although they played it for laughs, the borderline dub-con of Frannie/Fraser makes me not really want it, although I love them eventually becoming friends. And again, no incest (with her ACTUAL brother...RayK doesn't count)
- gen, Frannie worrying about Ray while he's undercover
- gen, keeping watch over Ray in the hospital after his return
- / or & Maggie, Fraser has a sister; Frannie has a new best friend whether Maggie wants to be or not *g*
- gen or any 'ship, a case from Frannie's POV where she casts herself as the hero
Stella - I love Stella and, as someone who had an ex who didn't know when to let go, I sympathize with her SO much. Probably more so than RayK, although I love him too. I understand completely why she's sometimes a bit sharp with him, because while he doesn't quite cross the line into creepy behavior, he does tread it rather closely, and he doesn't always take a hint. *g* Which, for a professional woman trying to be respected in a male-dominated field, has to be especially frustrating. Even if she still loves him. Heck, *especially* if she still loves him. I just wish we could've seen more of who she is outside of the context of her relationship with Ray.
SHIPS: Stella/Frannie/Maggie as mentioned above...past Stella/RayK is fine but I totally understand why they split up and wouldn't wish them on each other again. As for Stella/RayV...I believe I *could* like it, but not the way the finale wrote it where they both turn into pod people. :-/
FRIENDSHIPS: Stella & Frannie, Stella & Maggie, Stella & RayK (I LOVE stories where they figure out how to be friends again), Stella & Fraser, Stella and anybody :-)
NO-TPS: Only circumstantial ones as explained above. *g*
- & Ray K (or & Ray V post-CotW), figuring out how to be friends instead of exes
- / or & Frannie + Maggie, the boys are unavailable for some reason, so it falls to the ladies to solve a case
- gen, a day in the life: who IS Stella when she's not around Ray (or dating someone else)? Who is she when she's alone?
- gen or any 'ship, AU where Stella always ran a bowling alley, the alley where the other characters hang out off duty
Ray Vecchio - Okay, to be fair, I love both the Rays. I really do. But if forced to heart belongs to Ray Vecchio. What can I say? I have a soft spot for loudly-dressed loudmouth Italians with big hearts. ;-) (Al from Quantum Leap is another favorite, 'nuff said.) I OT3 the three main characters because while I can see how close Fraser and Ray K become, I can't bear the thought of Ray V being left out. CotW is an unsatisfactory ending to the series for me BECAUSE Ray V is left behind, no matter how good the reason (the bullet...not the whirlwind romance and Florida bowling alley *g*). So you can never go wrong writing about him for me. :-)
SHIPS: RayV/Fraser/RayK, RayV/Fraser, RayV/RayK, RayV/Irene...yeah, I can exclude Fraser or Ray K but not Ray V. *facepalm*
FRIENDSHIPS: Ray & Frannie, Ray & Dief, any of the above 'ships
NO-TPs: As I mentioned, I can't do Fraser/Ray K even as background unless Ray V is involved too. It's crazy, I know, but that's how I feel. Background pairings of them with not-RayV people OTHER than each other is okay, however. (Ie: Frannie/Kowalski, Fraser/Janet Morse, etc.)
- OT3 or gen, AU of CotW where Ray V isn't shot and goes with F/K to Canada
- OT3, F/V, or gen, post-CotW Ray V comes back to Chicago and reunites with Fraser (and Ray K if desired *g*)
- any 'ship or gen, coming back to Chicago was a lot more complicated than just getting on a plane
- OT3, any 'ship, or gen, AU based on the original scripted ending for CotW with the Rays working as partners
- & Frannie, figuring out how to be a family again after they've both changed so much
- & Maggie, how does this Ray cope with having another Mountie in his life? *g*
- & or / Stella, AU version of their courtship--or a friendship--where they stay in character *g*
- all of the requested characters, Frannie, Maggie and Stella reacting to an F/K/V partnership ( of a police and/or personal nature *g*)
...I think that's it! Again, sorry for the infodump nature of the post, but I hope it helps. Either way, whether you include all my requested characters or just one, follow a prompt or go your own way, I hope writing this story is as fun for you as reading it will be for me! :-) Can't wait to see what you come up with, and thanks again!
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