wow... haha i guess i zoned out when reading and updating things. i guess ive lost touch to many of my net friends ive met through neopets, ever since i quit... *sigh*
well just so you know that i havent died ill refill your glass of pondering with some info on whats been happening with me.
OOH i lost weight and got stronger - THANK YOU MARCHING BAND! seriously... -_-
i am now a hardcore Naruto fan. those of you who dont know who/what naruto is, then POO ON YOU! MUAHAHA!!....
I Roleplay now and i guess ill check on this thingy more often. heres some sites I rp on. these are naruto based however... schools been good... spanish teacher is an ass, but the people there are cool... except for the dumbass upper classmen who dont know jack squat. advanced algebra is ok. quiet class. especially since im quiet... but i am 1 out of 3 freshman in that class... lol. band has been really fun. i remember why i started playing in the first place. the teacher is awesome. art is so much fun. the teacher should be like.. teacher of the year or something. she so much fun but she's laid back. umm.. my biology teacher is a football coach and thats what he talks about mostly. he's sorta boring... he's a smart ass and sometiems annoys me... but at least i get to play with pedro the hamster! my enlighs teacher seems like she's a girl scout leader. she's nice though. i seem to be impressing her with my vast knowledge of english and all of its shitty wonders!
heh.. thats about if for now...