Jun 05, 2009 20:15
Seriously, do I really fail at EVERYTHING?
In the past three months, basically, everybody has been telling me that I'm a basic failure as a human.
1. I'm not trustworthy
of what? nobody told me.
2. I'm lousy at communicating
oh, nice to hear news. is it my fault all of you deem it necessary to lie all the time in order to still call it communication?
3. I'm not able to live my life if I continue to be the way I am.
oh, how nice of you to tell me. onl, obviously, I did live until now, and contrary of what you seem to think, I'm not being suicidal and NEVER WAS! and, seriously, I never do anything very dangerous, so dying is not exactly anything that's probably to happen to me in the near future
4. With your bad bad attitude you will never be happy!
attitude to what? towards people? well, guess what, if people don't like me for who I am, i will never be happy with them anyways! and my attitude towards life is NOT something any of you understands! all the above SHIT comments you make show that!
Yes, I might have a depression. losing hair from stress might be a side effect of said depression, but NOTHING YOU FUCKERS SAY ABOUT ME WILL HELP THAT FUCKING DEPRESSION!
because that depression is CAUSED by me being a lazy bum and therefor a failure at my studies, in CONNECTION with people rejecting me because they don't understand FUCK about me.
Hell, I'm not even QUALIFIED to have a real fucking disorder. I was NEVER anorexic, bulimic, suicidal, bipolar or any other shit. well, maybe somewhat bipolar, but since I haven't thrown anything around my room in ages, I gues I never really was bipolar enough to get anyone to think about me besides "oh, she is uninteresting". No teenage disorder. and ESPECIALLY not the asperger's syndrome that that fucktwad-wannabe-psychologist always interprets into anyone who's got a hobby that's not shopping for clothes and gossipping about stars and starlets. I can grasp that other people feel and understand how they feel. doesn't mean I have to make their feelings and their WELL-BEING feelings-wise my topmost priority in communicating with them. I'm not some fucking goody-two-shoes, who opresses his surroundings with his GOODNESS! (yes, that means you, mister J.K.! and you, mr "i know how everyone works" A.V.)
I need no wannabe-psychologist help! I'm neither an autist nor a child who needs to be told how to breathe right!
what I need is academical ACHIEVEMENT (I know all you fuckers believe that doesn't count for anything, becuase most of you never achieved it, but even if it may be unhealthy, it means something TO ME!!!! MEE!!!! MEEEEEEE!!! ME, who YOU always talk SHIT about becuase you don't understand FUCK!) and TIME to do things I LIKE, like writing and reading fun stuff.
If I'm too dysfunctional in my being ME to be your UNCONDITIONAL friends, then GO FUCK YOURSELVES! I DON'T do CONTIDIONAL FRIENDSHIP any longer! because it's not FRIENDSHIP! If you need me to do everything your way to be friendly with you, go find someone else who's stupid for you!
(no, most people on my lj-friendslist are NOT involved in this particular situation. I just need to vent.)