Life update thing.

May 23, 2010 12:59

So... yeah. Been busy. *Scratches head* Between work and life I haven't had a chance to do much of anything, every time I think I'm going to have a chance to write, something pops up. Ah well, I'll find the time...

In Stories: Yeah. Not much going on. Where The Moon Lies is still at the forefront of my mind, and I've got a couple other ideas I'd like to at least plot out, but right now I'm trying to just keep from burning out.

In Tattoo's: Going to be finishing (Finally!) my arm tattoo this Wednesday! I shall post pics!

In Anime: I know it's not an anime, but... I totally re-watched all of Airbender over the last month. Loved every minute of it. :D

In weather: It's been drizzling pretty much non-stop for the last week - and suddenly everything is green! It's so fresh outside, On my way to work every day I almost don't want the trip to end! :P And after the stunted spring we had... what with sudden drop in temperature and a snowstorm, followed by another snowstorm... which was followed by a week of blah... the rain is welcomed and then some.

In Work: Fucking GM got transferred and new GM... guh. Then a Manager threw his cup across the lobby and hand-wrote his two-weeks notice before throwing that as well--at our new GM. Now me and the other two assistants are pulling six days a week trying to cover until we get a replacement... It's a damn good thing I love my job. And I really should be used to these things by now... I'll probably bitch about this under a friends lock latter.

But good news at work: I've got permission from head office to do an Airbender promotion! YES! I still don't know how I feel about them making a movie (especially with the guy they got to play Zuko ><), but that's not going to stop me from making a giant Appa cut-out and milking paramount for as much free merch as I can. :P (Oh, and I'll probably be positing pictures. :D)

In Life: My solstice party is coming up! --Friends and alcohol and so much fun I won't know where to put it all! I've been planning this for half a year, and I am so bloody excited!

In Purchases: Recently bought season 5 of Will & Grace. I'll get around the buying the others when I have money. There are a couple episodes I've never seen because I just couldn't find them anywhere... and I've been meaning to buy the TV show for a couple years now anyway; when I saw it on sale it was like a light from above. Lol. :P

In Obsessions: Got myself re-addicted to the old Sims games again; went and bought the four expansion packs I've always wanted and now playing it is all I feel like doing. I figure the novelty will wear off (as it usually does) in another week or so.

And... that's about it.

contemporary musings

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