Facebook, Timeline and privacy

Feb 13, 2012 09:45

By way of a public service announcement, since I linked to this in a comment elsewhere and several people found it useful...

Those of us for whom Facebook hasn't quite yet crossed the "more annoying/pernicious than it is beneficial" line might all want to be aware of the effect that the new Timeline display - which all FB users are being compulsorily migrated to in the next couple of weeks, apparently, even if like me when it first appeared as an option you said "No way, sod off" - potentially has on your FB privacy (in a nutshell, it makes it much easier for people who can usually see your posts, be that friends or public, to scroll all the way back through your FB past)

There's a really useful article on how to defend your FB privacy from Timeline here.

(When I went and looked I found that most of my settings were already as recommended, but I haven't been Timelined yet and I wouldn't at all put it past FB to reset all my privacy to Default when they move me over. So once I get migrated, I certainly intend to re-check everything.)

More general guide to Timeline, from the same people, here.

[Cross-posted at both LJ and DW - feel free to comment at either...]

facebook, rl

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