MEFA happy flailiness

Jan 04, 2012 12:26

Where's curiouswombat 's "YAY!!! Omigod" happy-flaily Kermit icon when I need it? Just saw that this year's MEFA results are out (never got the email, for some reason, but was keeping an eye on the site) and

OMG flaily flaily happy incoherent flail...

... sorry, OK, went away and breathed till I had a grip on myself. Full list of shinies:

Amid the Powers and Chances of the World: FIRST PLACE Romance: Gondorians. OMG OMG hyperventilating happy flail... truly, I wasn't sure it would even place; several of you who've read it and liked it kindly left lengthy reviews, but I thought honestly, who has time to read a 50-chapter epic romance - a Legomance, at that - from scratch in MEFA season? But people did, and loved it, and reviewed it at length and said lovely things (more reviews, presumably previously Hidden or Draft, came in at the last minute). IT WON! Itwonitwonitwonitwon!!

(I'm a bit chuffed, can you tell??)

Together We Will Take the Road That Leads Into the West: or, Gimli and Legolas Go To Valinor: First Place Fixed-Length Ficlets: Immortals
- delighted about this one too, though not quite as astounded because it did garner a lot of really lovely positive reviews. Very happy that so many people got so much pleasure out of reading it.

From the Balrog-slayer's Mouth - First Place Drabble: General (yay, thanks, tolkien_weekly !) I'm rather fond of that drabble: it's great that lots of others enjoyed it too.

The Gates of the Kingdom: Second Place Post-Ring War and Beyond: Elves or Dwarves. This is in very honourable company, since it came second to Jael's lovely We Three Kings: it was originally written for the 2010 3fan_holidays fic exchange, so a shout-out to
celandineb who runs 3fan!

Plus Honorable Mentions for a bunch of things: all the drabbles were originally written for tolkien_weekly prompts, so I particularly thank the mods and everybody else over at t_w for such a fun and productive year of prompts and comments!

The Lord of Silver Fountains Shall Come Into His Own (drabble)

Till the World is Mended (drabble, also got a Smaug's Treasure)

Seven Deadly Sins (drabble series, also got a Smaug's Treasure)

Thank you to everyone who nominated my pieces, everybody who took the time and trouble to review, and to all the MEFA volunteers for all their masses of hard work. And well done to everyone on my flist who I see has shinies too! - particularly pleased to see the second places for altariel 's Withered Tree and wormwood_7 's Time Is Always Time... and the first place! forcuriouswombat's A Powerful Absence.

We now return you to your scheduled reading undisturbed by my flaily squeaking...

[Cross-posted at both LJ and DW - feel free to comment at either...]

mefas, fic

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