Sep 11, 2007 01:18
I may be quite the gentleman at times, but I'm a pretty horrible excuse for a scholar.
Also, lol @ me scratching my PSP screen trying to fix a botched attempt at super gluing an old dpad cover on because the one that was already on sucked ass.
I'm thinking of just dropping Astronomy, but I don't really have a very good excuse for wanting to do that, so I wont.
Random music quibble because I have no other real outlet: Between the Buried and Me would be so much better IMO if they just stuck to melodic stuff. The spastic atonal shit they do normally really doesn't do it for me, but their melodic riffs and sections definitely do. But I guess they wouldn't really be them without that stuff.
Also, (I know I've mentioned this before) Moonsorrow really is the shit. In addition, so are The Absence.