(no subject)

May 21, 2010 11:57

(Note: This is not going by any set timeline, I'm going to be jumping around because it's a lot to remember from an hour and forty five minutes of talking so I'll just type up things as I remember them...)

I finished off my week of socialness by going to Times Talks Live: LOST last night. It was a fun evening but ha, wow-- tickets were $12.50. A bit more than I expected :O Normally tickets cost $7.50 so I almost just came with $8, it's a very good thing I slipped a $20 in my purse at the last minute lol. I've been fussing lately about the possibility of it being sold out, though I kinda knew I wouldn't have anything to worry about... For one thing, we're not a huge market, for another, Peoria was showing it too just 30 minutes away so people had choices whether to come here or go there to see it. I was still a little surprised when I got there and only found five other people in the theater, lol.

For around an hour, Cuse and Damon answered questions submitted by people who were going to see it in theaters (they emailed questions in beforehand) and from the Times entertainment editor, Lorne Manly, who was doing the interview. Then they opened it up to the audience in attendance and answered their questions. Between questions, they showed four clips and discussed various things about them. The clips were when Locke tried to convince Jack to press the button in the hatch, when Desmond called Penny in The Constant, when Miles tried to explain time travel to Hurley, and the final clip was... from the finale which, for the sake of spoilers, I'm not going to touch. :P Let's just say they promised it wasn't very spoilery but I still figured out something from it, ha. Oh well. Other than the clip, only two things got spoiled during the interview, everything else was just kinda hinted at haha.

Cuse said that they tend to work with 200+ people on Lost and knew before the feedback from the audience came in that Nikki and Paulo needed to go. He also said they understood fans' reaction because by then fans had invested 49 hours of their lives into Lost and when N+P came out of nowhere, fans were like "Why are YOU here?" Added that Sawyer saying to Hurley "Who the hell is Nikki?" was kind of a wink to the fans, even though it broke the fourth wall because by then all of the castaways should've known each other's names.

Quite a few Sawyer taking his shirt off jokes-- Damon claimed that episodes were easier to write when Sawyer did take it off, ha.

After the Constant clip was aired, Lorne asked if it was true that it took a lot longer to finish that episode than the others. Cuse said yes, it usually took two weeks for an episode, Constant took five weeks because it was their first time doing any sort of time travel and they needed to double check everything and be very careful to make sure what they did in one time line wouldn't mess up any others, had to look back, look forward, yada yada. They were about to lose it over how ridiculous the storyline seemed and then they saw how the clip of them talking had been edited and how poetic it was and then they were like "Yeah, we can make this work".

One of the questions was about Aaron and how exactly he was special-- Darlton explained that only one person had said he was special and that was the psychic from season 1, who was shown later on to be a fraud, but that they could answer this question repeatedly and fans would still not believe it-- that they still field questions about Kate's plane of all things. Cuse said they contorted themselves to answer that question in the show but people STILL thought Kate's plane had mysteries left to unlock.

Lorne asked them about their casting process-- if it was true that after awhile, they created characters based on actors they knew. Cuse said that in the case of Ben, it was, and he said they wanted an actor with Ben's characteristics-- when the audience exploded with cheers and interrupted him. Michael Emerson came onstage and Damon and Lorne picked at Cuse, who volleyed back that Michael was the nicest guy he had ever met, and they didn't let him finish! lol.

A bit later, Lorne asked Michael who he likes working with and he was explaining that he liked working with Jorge Garcia, that Hurley and Ben are the two most different characters on the show and ... the audience started cheering again for, yep, Jorge! The only one not dressed up, haha. A woman brought out a chair for him and Jorge said she was pretty indecisive, he had asked her if Michael mentioning him was his cue to go on and she just shrugged, but he went anyway before they mentioned someone else lol.

A bit later, they opened it up to the audience in attendance and someone asked about Walt-- why if he was so special, did the Others let him off the island and Darlton explained that they had hinted at it in the show when Ben made the deal with Michael, that Walt was so special, he started scaring the Others so they were anxious for them to leave the island. They've always tried to leave it up to interpretation whether what was going on in the island was explainable or something supernatural. Also, Malcolm David Kelley was a 12 year old playing an 8 year old and by the end of season 1, you could hear his voice cracking so they were like Yeah, we have to get him on the raft pronto!

Jorge said that, in a few months, they wanted us to find that new fall show, watch it, get interested, go to work the next morning and ... talk about Lost. lol.

Michael couldn't remember all of the evils Ben committed-- only remembered shooting Locke (I guess strangling him doesn't count? lol)-- until he was reminded about shooting Widmore. His response was he thought it was an understandable murder-- Widmore wasn't a nice guy and pretty much deserved it.

A fan asked what exactly Widmore's plans were upon coming to the island. Darlton said that they had tried to make it up to interpretation whether Widmore could be trusted or not-- whereas we actually SAW Ilana and Jacob meet while she was in the hospital we never saw Widmore and Jacob meet so he may have been lying and we walk into the finale with the main characters wondering as well whether they should trust what he said or not.

Another came up to explain that his friend-- yes, he was teased that there was no friend, but he insisted lol-- had this huge speculation that this whole time, we were supposed to root for the Man in Black and hope he'd get off the island, that Jacob was actually the antagonist because he had forced these people to the island against their will... Damon asked him if his friend was a huge marijuana smoker, lol. He then asked them if he could go to his friend and tell him that Darlton said he was wrong, because it was the only way he'd shut up about it. They told him just to tell his friend he had a huge imagination, lol.

Someone asked each person individually who their favorite characters were-- Jorge said he liked Ben, and not because Michael Emerson was sitting right there, "Ben says some of the darnedest things"... Cuse joked that Jorge just made up a spinoff show "Ben says the darnedest things"... I think I'd watch that, lol. The writers both said their favorite characters change weekly, depending on the episode they're writing at the time, because, well, people don't eat their same favorite food every day, they have like fifteen different favorite foods so they don't get burnt out on the one, right? So it's like them, they'll go "Oh hey, we haven't done a Hurley episode yet this season" and then for the next two weeks, Hurley's the favorite character of everyone in the writing room. Michael said his favorite was Mr. Eko because he had an incredible story-- and Damon said, "And a big stick". A few people in the audience started laughing and Cuse said, "He meant the ACTUAL stick! You perverts!" haha.

I think I have all the high points, haha. A lot was said in the hour and forty five minute interview =X
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