House M.D. Drabble: "Normalcy"

Jul 27, 2010 21:53

Gosh, it's been so long since I last posted something, what with RL consuming all of my time. But well, here I am, adding another fandom with its respective otp to my never ending list. Srsly, this can't be healthy... =S

And it's House M.D this time. I totally blame a friend of mine for this, he hooked me up on this show.

Title: "Normalcy"
Beta: Unbetaed
Rating: PG-13
Words: 450
Characters/Pairings: House/Cuddy
Theme/Prompt: hc_drabble prompt #6, insane
Warnings/A.N.: Nothing much, some very slight innuendo. Takes place several weeks after S6 finale.
Summary: Normalcy has a whole new meaning in Gregory House’s vocabulary
Disclaimer: I own this mini-plot.



It’s been weeks since he last made an inappropriate comment to her.

Since they’ve been together, albeit secretly.

And his sudden obedience and submissive demeanor has attracted unwanted attention to their relationship.

Idiotic man, being nice and good was so not the way to keep their togetherness a secret. Insane, he is, because there really isn’t any other word to describe him.

“I don’t want you to change, House, not for my sake or anyone else’s,” she says to him, softly, so no one but him hears her.

Suddenly, he smirks.

“Oh, but Dr. Cuddy,” he begins loudly, catching everyone’s attention in the lobby, “Why stop being a good boy when you regard me so nicely? Just look at the shirts you’ve being wearing as of lately.”

A pause, for emphasis.

“I don’t think I’ve seen the girls look this good in months,” he leans in and lets his mouth hover next to her face, close enough to make her body ache for him, but not enough to quell said ache.

Her breath quickens a bit, but her face gives nothing away. On the outside, Cuddy is waiting for House to finish with his theatrics so he can go do his job; on the inside, Lisa just wants to jump his bones.

“Why, you should have used this method of motivation years ago, Cuddy, that way we could have avoided all those discussion over clinic hours.”

He steps back, his smug smirk still in place.

“Are you saying, Dr. House, that as long as you get a nice view of my cleavage you’ll be a good boy and do your clinic duty without protesting?”

“Perhaps, but then again, I might just go back to being my normal self, you know… because I like the view of your cleavage much better when you’re all worked up.”

They stare at each other for several long moments, oblivious to all those around them catching their breaths, and then… Cuddy smirks.

“I don’t really care how you behave anymore, as long as you do your job,” she turns around, heading to her office, but stops suddenly and looks at him over her shoulder, “By the way, Dr. House, you still have one clinic hour left, so stop wasting your time just standing there.”

There’s a collective sigh of relief around them, but they choose to ignore it. House doesn’t say anything back and she doesn’t wait for him to do so, walking into her office. Cuddy knows this discussion is not over yet, that House will most likely have the last word at the end of the day.

In the mean time though, she’ll revel in this temporary sense of victory. Of normalcy.


Comments are welcomed! =D

character: gregory house, fandom: house m.d., rating: pg-13, ff: drabbles, ff: house m.d. - the 6th, ship: house/cuddy, comms: hc_drabble, character: lisa cuddy

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