Twilight drabble: "Up High"

Oct 17, 2009 16:29

Shoo, it feels like ages since I last posted. Real life's being a b*tch with me lately and just now I've got time for something other than work and college.

So, I bring this little drabble. Written for twilight100, prompt - high. I missed last challenge, I couldn't miss this one.

I hope you like it.


Title: "Up High"
Beta: No one yet
Rating: G
Words: 100
Characters: Rosalie, (Emmett)
Pairings: Emmett/Rosalie
Warnings: None
Disclaimer: The usual. Not mine, just borrowing.
A/N: Pre-Twilight. Anytime between Emmett's change and the beginning of Twilight.
Summary: Rosalie craves for this feeling…


As a human, she hated heights. It made her feel sick and without control.

As a vampire, she loves it. It’s the next best thing that makes her feel alive.

So, whenever Emmett’s not around -to make her forget, to make her feel, to remind her why life’s worth living- she goes to the highest place in whichever town they are and stays there, wondering (about jumping and falling, only she doesn’t because that would spoil her delusion).


“There you are,” he wraps his arms around her tightly and says nothing else.

-until this, him. Emmett and this feeling.


Some feed-back please?

ff: drabbles, themed comms: twilight100, ship: emmett/rosalie, ff: twilight - twilight, fandom: twilight, rating: g, character: rosalie hale

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