HSM Drabble: "A Shade of Grey"

Aug 25, 2009 17:09

Shoo, I had so much trouble writing this. There was so much to say, in just a few words, I almost gave up but I'm not that kind of person... And still, I didn't turn out like I wanted.

A belated entry for hsm_100 prompt - black and white.


Title: "A Shade of Grey"
Beta: No one yet...
Rating: PG
Words: 100
Characters: Troy
Pairings: Troy/Gabriella, Troy/Sharpay
Warnings: OOC-ness, maybe? Implied threesome?
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
A/N: Post-HSM3, somewhat AUish.
Summary: He was the product of mixing black and white.


They were opposites, Troy thought; Sharpay was self-centered and malicious, Gabriella was kind and selfless. They also brought out different sides of him; with Gabriella he was sweet and loving, with Sharpay he was rough and aggressive.

Opposites; like the sides of a coin, like black and white. Darkness and Light.

He couldn’t live without one of them, he had to have them both. Sharpay was his drug, Gabriella his antidote; he needed them.

Even if he had to lie or cheat, he wasn’t going to leave either of them; he was happy to be just a shade of grey.


Comment please!

ship: troy/sharpay, fandom: high school musical, character: troy bolton, ff: drabbles, ff: high school musical - iii, themed comms: hsm_100, ship: troy/gabriella, rating: pg

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