Narnia Fic: "Through Innocent Eyes"

Jan 28, 2009 00:11

Written for the Drabble Challenge at Gentle and Magnificent. Yes, more drabbles!


Title: “Through Innocent Eyes”
Beta: Not betaed yet, I think...
Rating: G
Characters: Peter, (Susan)
Pairing: none really
Warnings: AU
A/N: Pre-LWW. Peter is FIVE years older than Susan in this drabble for plot purpose, otherwise, it wouldn't work out; hence the AU warning.
Disclaimer: I own the plot, C.S. Lewis onws everything else.
Summary: A new member has arrived to his family and Peter is not so happy about it...


Creeping into the nursery had been easier than he had though.

Peter leaned over the cradle, looking at the sleeping face of the newcomer; he frowned.

So, it was true, there was a baby in the family now; a baby girl.

His frown deepened and he fought back the urge to scowl.

Hmph! He had been gone only for two weeks and they decide to bring a baby, without consulting him first. How nice of them.

Peter wondered briefly what would have happened if his journey had been delayed. There would probably be two babies, he thought, hmphing again.

His mental tantrum was cut short when the baby moved; Peter began to panic when the baby’s eyes fluttered open, focusing slowly on him.

Peter gasped.

The baby didn’t look like him, at all; her cheeks were more rounded, her nose was smaller, her mouth stuck out more than his, she had black curls over her head and, well, the fact that she was a baby girl was more than enough to state the difference. However, though it was a little silly, he felt the need to point out the obvious to try to make sense of what happened to him.

But, as she looked at him with those deep blue eyes full of innocent curiosity, he found it difficult not to see the similitude as well.

She had his eyes, his deep blue eyes; there was no doubt about it.

The baby tried to reach out to him, moving her little hand around the air, and Peter let his hand shot out to hers, almost in an automatic response.

She grabbed his forefinger and Peter felt his heart swell with love for this new member of his family.

“Hello…” he said, shaking his finger a little. “…I am Peter.”

The baby made a soft cooing sound, moving her little arms in response.

Peter smiled widely. “And I am your big brother…”

He closed his hand around her, looking fondly at her and he would later tell that he saw the baby smiling at him.

“…little Susan.”


ship: peter/susan, ff: aus, rating: g, character: peter pevensie, ff: drabbles, fandom: narnia, ff: narnia - au, ff: narnia - lww, ff: narnia - book!verse, character: susan pevensie

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