Digimon Fic: "Stubbornly fragile"

Jan 22, 2009 20:01

Written for 5trueloves theme #6. Finally a pairing I like, in fact, I LOVE this ship, my OTP of Digimon. This one's naughty, kind of, so beware.


Title: "Stubbornly fragile"
Beta: not betaed yet
Rating: PG-13
Characters: Yamato, Sora
Pairing: Yamato/Sora
Theme: #6, Autumn Leaves
Warnings: Innuendoes, innuendos and adult themes, some angst.
A/N: I'm going through an angsty and naughty phase...
Disclaimer: Digimon doesn't belong to me, sadly, or I'd be rich.
Summary: Yamato watches, and compares, the similarities between autumn leaves and his girlfriend.


Yamato walked through the park, heading to his apartment. He had gone to the closest store to buy something to eat -a microwave dinner- not feeling in the mood to cook this time.

That especially beautiful evening of autumn had turned out to be one of the more empty of his life.

A disagreement with his girlfriend, which then turned into a fight, had started everything.

Sure, some part of him actually enjoyed their fights. The make-up sex was awesome, all wild and passionate, but this time it had been lustful and savage.

And he knew he had hurt her seriously.

(There were too many tears as he pressed her into his bed. Too many fucking tears.)

Yamato sighed, looking up to the sky. He stopped walking and watched the clouds pass by, when something caught his attention.

It was a leaf.

A red-brownish leaf that clung stubbornly to the branch of a tree, it was the last leaf left on it and as Yamato saw it, it didn’t want to let go, refusing to fall.

The blonde youth watched amazed how the little leaf shook violently with every gust of wind that passed by and still refused to let go of the branch. However, the show didn’t last long, for the leaf finally gave in to the powerful gusts of wind and let go, flying around for a few seconds before landing at Yamato’s feet.

And it was then that he realized how similar the leaf and his girlfriend were.

Like the leaf, his girlfriend could be very strong and stubborn when it came to something she wanted or believed in, holding onto it with all her might, never backing off, and never letting go. It didn’t matter to her what others said, and how difficult the obstacles were.

And like the leaf -especially like the leaf- she could be very vulnerable and fragile when she was forced to let go of what she wanted or believed in, spinning around disoriented and lost until she landed hard on the ground, hoping for someone to pick her up, before people crushed her under their feet.

He had picked her up many times before, always preventing the world from treading on her. But now, and though he had always been the one to pick her up, he realized that he was also the one -the only one- who was able to crush her.

And he had crushed her.

Yamato growled angrily and smashed the little autumn leaf beneath his shoe, storming towards his apartment.

Once he got there, he stopped outside his door, trying to decide if he wanted his girlfriend to be inside the apartment or not. In the end, he thought it would be better if she had stayed there, that way they would be able to talk -he refused to think she waited for him if she did- and hopefully fix this mess.

Yamato entered his apartment, closing the door behind him. He went to the kitchen and left the food on the counter. He remained quiet for a few seconds, until he heard a faint noise coming from the bathroom.

And with one deep breath, he headed towards the moment that he knew would probably decide the rest of their relationship.


Yamato looked into the bathroom and found her there, sitting at the edge of the tub, wearing one of his shirts and with her legs into the bathtub, the water reaching close to her knees. She didn’t respond, just kept looking at the water, unmoving.

He walked over to her and leaned down to turn off the water before it began to spill out of the bathtub, he almost cringed when he saw her stiffening at their closeness, so he pulled a little away, sitting on the WC. And he waited.

“I’m sorry.”

It took him a few minutes to realize it hadn’t been him the one who spoke.

“I shouldn’t have mistrusted-”

“What are you apologizing for?” he demanded in anger, “You didn’t do anything wrong… If anything, I should be the one to apologize…”

He sighed and began to doubt she heard him at all, having just murmured the last sentence, “Look, Sora-”

“You didn’t do anything wrong either,” she cut in.

“How can you say that?! I… I practically raped you, I… I ravaged you!”

(He couldn’t see past her tears, there were too many. He couldn’t see past her anguished expression, it hurt too much. She was saying something, but he couldn’t comprehend the words. He didn’t want to-to see, to hear, to think. Or else he would realize that… he forced himself on her.)

Sora turned around looking sadly at him, meeting his wild gaze, “That’s not true, it was consensual… So it’s not rape.”

“But you were crying!” Yamato screamed again.

And Sora realized then, that he wanted her to tell him it was his fault, he wanted her to blame him for her tears- even hate him? But why? She had started the discussion, and everything that came afterwards, hadn’t she?

She let her hand sink in the tub, moving it around in circular motions. Then her hand shot up, splashing water across Yamato’s face.

He was startled out of his misery and looked back at her, confused and a little afraid.

“Are you done hating yourself?”

Yamato just stared at her.

At his lack of response, Sora took his hand, tugging at it, and urged him to stand up. He obediently stood up, closing what little distance separated them. When Sora saw he wasn’t going to move any further, she pulled his hand harder, making him lose his balance, and he fell into the bathtub.

Yamato had barely resurfaced when he felt Sora sit on his abdomen, preventing him from sitting up properly. He looked up at her, feeling a wave of confusion wash over him.

Sora didn’t look angry or hurt, like he had thought she would; she looked frustrated and… amused?

“I don’t understand you, woman,” he said dejectedly.

“What is it that you don’t understand?” she asked.

“You should be angry…”

Sora almost groaned in frustration. “Yamato, I already told you, you didn’t force me to-”

“Not about that,” Yamato cut in. “Deep down I know I didn’t force you, I’d never-under any circumstance… Anyway, you should be angry at me for yelling all those things I did to you.”

“I yelled things at you too.”

“Yeah, but…” he sighed, letting his head fall back against the tub.

Sora smiled gently and kissed his jaw. “Let’s make a deal, Yamato.”

He nodded and motioned for her to continue.

Sora sighed, “I promise I’ll be more tolerant with your obsessed fans, if you promise you’ll ask me about any rumor that might come up first, before going into one of your blind-rage states, okay?”

Yamato smiled for the first time since he had entered his apartment; a true happy smile. “Alright, I promise.”

Sora smiled back at him and leaned down to kiss his lips. However she pulled back when she heard him chuckle.

“What?” Sora demanded, arching an eyebrow; she was not mad, just curious.

“Does this mean more make-up sex? I mean, that way our reconciliation can be more… serious,” Yamato said, a sly smile already forming on his lips.

“Don’t push your luck, Yamato,” Sora said, standing up and pulling out the plug out of the tub.

Yamato watched the water descend and after a while he stood up as well. “What about kiss and make-up?”

The red-haired girl kissed him slowly and sensually, lingering a little longer than necessary just to torture him.

“You’re evil, woman,” he sighed and shook his head to clear his thoughts. “Alright, I’ll go make dinner then, while you bathe.”

He hadn’t even stepped out of the tub, when Sora grabbed his arm, halting his movements. The blonde-haired man turned around enough to look at his girlfriend, arching an eyebrow in question; he trembled in delight at the look he was receiving, so… lustful.

“Oh, I did mean that there would be no make-up sex for now, but I think a bath together will suffice,” Sora purred.

Yamato smirked as he watched her remove the shirt she was wearing, removing his clothes afterwards.

Fine by me…


Comments are LUV! =)

ff: digimon - adventure 02, character: ishida yamato, fandom: digimon, ff: oneshots, character: takenouchi sora, rating: pg-13, ship: yamato/sora, themed comms: 5trueloves

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