Twilight drabble collection: "Unique"

Apr 03, 2009 11:45

So as I browsed the internet, looking for themed comms in LJ to join and add pending fics to my never ending list, I found twilight100 and said "what the hell, might give it a try", so I joined (I'm still waiting for my request to join team vampire to be accepted, but according to one of the mods I can still post) and as I browsed the prompts, I was struck by this plot bunny. I just had to get it out of my head...

Okay, so the drabbles were written for twilight100, prompt #1 - marriage. Enjoy!

Title: “Unique”
Beta: Not betaed yet
Rating: PG-13 (just to be safe)
Characters: The Cullen clan, plus Bella
Pairing: All canon pairings, mainly Emmett/Rosalie
Warnings: none that I can think of, except for drabble #8: may contains spoilers for BD...
A/N: The drabbles follow a single plot-line. Drabbles from #1 to #5 are pre-Alice & Jasper, as in before they joined the coven, yada yada, and are closely connected, as in the time spam in between is only days, few weeks max. Drabbles #6 & #7 are pre-Twilight, #7 happens rights after #6. And drabble #8 is post-Breaking Dawn. (I got this funny feeling nobody will read this...)
Summary: Because every wedding is unique. In which Rosalie asks and Emmett complies.

Characters: Edward, (Emmett), (Rosalie)
Pairing: Emmett/Rosalie

He didn’t do it on purpose, honestly. However, even if he didn’t want to hear them, his mind would and that was one thing he couldn’t control.

“What would you say if I asked you to marry me?”

That’s why he wasn’t surprised when Emmett blurted out the question; his brother had been toying with that thought for the last few weeks now.

“I would probably say yes.”

Now Rosalie’s answer was unexpected, but not surprising either; his sister had thought about it a few times over the last year.

Definitely yes.

He chuckled at her belated thought. “Definitely, indeed.”


Characters: Rosalie, (Emmett), (Carlisle)
Pairing: Emmett/Rosalie

The first time Emmett asked her to marry him he didn’t ask her, he asked Carlisle. More precisely, he asked for Carlisle’s permission.

“May I have your consent to ask your daughter’s hand in marriage?”

Carlisle was beyond shocked.

She thought it pointless. However, as he’d mentioned in one of their many conversations, he was raised to be a gentleman and gentlemen did everything the right way.

Before Carlisle even thought of protesting, she moved swiftly to his side and grabbed his arm, giving him a sincere smile.

Rosalie was blissfully touched.

“Please, dad?”

And Carlisle granted Emmett his permission.


Characters: Esme, (Carlisle)
Pairing: Carlisle/Esme, (implied) Emmett/Rosalie

Esme was almost done with her shopping for the upcoming wedding.

The thought of her youngest children’s wedding brought a smile to her face.

Looking over her shoulder, the sight of her husband tagging along, carrying most of the bags, only widened her smiled.

Whirling around quickly, she stood on her tiptoes and kissed his lips tenderly, continuing her walk to the next store once again.

Esme stopped at the sight of a beautiful piece of white lingerie, which she thought was the perfect gift for -Rosalie- their wedding night.

Emmett won’t know what hit him, she thought, smiling mischievously.


Characters: Carlisle, (Rosalie)
Pairing: (implied) Emmett/Rosalie

“Would you walk me down the aisle and give me away to Emmett, Carlisle? As… my father?”

He was speechless at her sudden outburst.

When he saw Rosalie sit down next to him minutes ago, he was surprised. After all, she’d always been skittish around them -Edward and himself- and he understood, with all that’d happened to her… he understood.

That was why, to him, Emmett had been a blessing.

He smiled, reaching out to her, silently asking for a hug. She smiled back, allowing him to embrace her.

“I would love to.”

Carlisle finally felt he had a daughter.


Characters: Emmett, (Rosalie)
Pairing: Emmett/Rosalie

She is beautiful…

It was their wedding night, yet all his giddiness and excitement faded quickly when Emmett saw the fear grace her features as his eyes caressed her magnificent body thoroughly.

…and afraid.

Willing himself not to lose control, he just lay there, embracing her stiffened form and talking. Eventually, Rosalie relaxed and her form shook with tearless sobs.

“I love you, Rosalie,” he whispered.

She snuggled up into him, nuzzling his neck. Placing a soft kiss there, she muttered her answer.

He just knew he’ll be smiling like an idiot the following weeks.

“I love you, too, Emmett.”


Characters: Alice, (Edward)
Pairing: Emmett/Rosalie, (implied) Jasper/Alice

Alice grinned widely, bouncing on her spot as the Maid of Honor.

She looked briefly at Jasper, who was standing in between Carlisle and the leader of the Denali coven -what was her name?- just in case something happened.

Looking around her new family, she took in their expressions; her grin turned shortly into a tender smile as she locked eyes with Jasper.

Grinning cheekily, Alice recalled her earlier vision, listening to Emmett and Rosalie say their vows.

Rosalie’s in for a wild night…

“Alice…” Edward groaned from his place next to Emmett.

Sorry, Edward, but I cannot control it.


Characters: Jasper, (Edward), (Alice)
Pairing: Emmett/Rosalie, Jasper/Alice

Jasper watched as the newlywed couple waltzed gracefully.

A gentle smile spread across his face as he absorbed the overwhelming waves of sheer happiness coming from them, a somewhat rare occurrence -especially for Rosalie- and he wondered why.

“Their marriages make her feel human, if only for a little while,” Edward answered his unspoken question.

Alice appeared before him, then, smiling lightly as she extended her hand. Jasper smiled back and took her hand, kissing it softly before he led her towards the dance floor.

Jasper wondered if he would ever feel less of a monster by marrying Alice, someday.


Characters: Bella, (Edward)
Pairing: (implied) Emmett/Rosalie, Edward/Bella

Bella heard the last guests drive away, sighing in relief. I’ll never understand Rosalie’s obsession with weddings…

The newlyweds entered the house, then, oblivious to everything but each other.

“That’s our cue to leave,” Edward whispered in her ear, kissing her cheek softly.

Picking up a sleeping Nessie, Bella, feeling confused, followed the rest of the family out. And with a final “Don’t wreck the house,” from Esme, they were off.

Suddenly, as they sprinted away from the house, Bella understood why they had to leave.

The feral growl and the loud moaning that reached her ears were explanation enough.



Okay, I hope someone likes this, my first attempt at Twilight fanfiction... And comments are always aprecciated, thanks!

ff: twilight - breaking dawn, ship: jasper/alice, ff: drabbles, themed comms: twilight100, character: edward cullen, character: jasper hale, ship: emmett/rosalie, character: rosalie hale, ship: carlisle/esme, character: isabella swan, ff: twilight - twilight, fandom: twilight, ff: chaptered fics, character: esme cullen, rating: pg-13, ship: edward/bella, character: carlisle cullen, character: alice cullen, character: emmett cullen

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