Oct 07, 2009 00:25
Joy is plugging in the green Skullcandy headphones and watching Muse's HAARP. Would have been better watching it on the big screen, but that's the price to pay for convenience, I suppose, for not having a television in my room and being a lazy ass to not troop outside to where it is. I am still kicking myself for not taking up a friend's invitation to catch Muse while they were in Singapore. I always usually get into bands AFTER they leave our shores. Very sad case, I know.
Throw it all away
Let's lose ourselves
Because there's no one left for us to blame
It's a shame we're all dying
And do you think you deserve your freedom?
How could you send us to far away from home
When you know damn well that this is wrong
I will still lay down my life for you
And do you think you deserve your freedom
No I don't think you do
There's no justice in the world
There's no justice in the world
And there never was
- Muse, "Soldier's Poem"