[FIC] Voices In My Head

Feb 12, 2011 15:31

Title: Voices in my head
Genre: Romance, humor, AU
Fandom: Hetalia
Pairing(s)/characters: USxUK, Japan, OC
Rating: PG-13
Word count: 2516
Warnings: A little swearing and one kiss
Notes: Originally was to be a fic for other fandom but never came to finish it and post. So I decided to finish it finally and changed characters and fandom to Hetalia. xD Written for usxuk ‘s 2011 Special Relationship Sweethearts week.
Summary: Arthur, a worker at the bar, Alfred, student who just can’t leave his mind and a girl that causes those weird voices in Arthur’s mind to appear.

Voices in my head

Working in a bar was sometimes very stressful - angry, impatient customers who thought they were the most important people in the world, full of themselves. Even though Arthur knew he had no other way but to work, earn his living, he also knew there were many other places that could hire him. If he wanted he could have left many weeks ago, from the noise and from his boss who seemed to love lashing out on everyone. But there was one thing - just one - that kept him in this certain place. And as long as that was here he would continue working there.

It was just another Friday afternoon. As weekend was just starting the bar was full with people, students who were just on their way home from school, adult relaxing after work. Arthur looked around the place while making a coffee and sighed when he didn’t spot anything. Not that he was looking for anyone or something! It was nothing like that.

In this moment the door opened and a group of students from a local school came in. Arthur tried not to look too happy to see a certain boy with blond hair, shiny blue eyes and bright smile that seemed to make everyone around happy. The group passed by him and for a second Arthur’s and the boy’s eyes met. Looking down Arthur tried not to think about the small smile he caught on the boy’s lips. It was just few moments after they sat down that he came to him to make his order.

“Hi there Arthur!” he shouted while sitting in front of him.

“I thought I told you not to call me by my name.” Arthur frowned though he was happy the boy remembered him. The sad thing was that even though they had met there few time before he still didn’t know his name. Slowly he was getting tired of calling him ‘the boy’ everytime he thought about him.

“Don’t be like that. We’re like friends after all this time, don’t you think?” he said while sending another smile.

Arthur didn’t know if he should feel happy that the boy thought about him as a friend or angry at that easy-going personality of his that just screamed ‘I’m everyone’s friend!’. He realized it some time ago he shouldn’t feel special because of a few conversations on a chance meetings in a bar. IF not him it could have been someone else, which made him a little sad, but he just couldn’t admit it to himself.

“Who is whose friend? You came here for something right?” Arthur was getting impatient. He didn’t know how to deal with the man sitting so close. He just wanted to get over it as fast as he could.

“We are, of course” he said as if was a fact known by all.

Just as he was starting to deny it a girl ran up to them and threw her arms around the boy’s shoulders.

“Mou, Alfred, why are you so slow” she whined while ignoring Arthur. “We are all waiting for you. What is taking so much of your time?”

The boy, or rather Alfred as the girl said, swiftly escaped her grip, as if he was already used to it, and grinned at her. “Oh I was just chatting with Arthur! We’re friends after all!”

It was only then that she looked at Arthur as if realizing that there was another person. The glare she sent him could only rival his own, though why he was glaring, he didn’t know. But the fact she was here, clinging to Alfred, who was managing to keep her at a safe distance, irritated him. He was not jealous, he kept thinking as they went to their table after making the order. But he just couldn’t deny the voices in his head that kept telling him:

“Do it baby! Do it baby!
Just push her off the bridge!
Do it baby! Do it baby!
Just burn the fucking bitch!”

“I think I’m going crazy!” Arthur shouted.

Kiku, who sitting in the room with him, sighed; he had already lost count of the times his friends seemed to shout it since he came to him.

“Hey! You’re not helping me sitting there and sighing time after time!”

“You know I can’t really help you. Besides, why did you come here?” the Japanese asked.

Arthur looked down a little embarrassed. “Well, I didn’t know anyone else who could help me so I just came to you.” But he recovered rather quickly as he started going on how they’re friends and friends should help each other in hard times.

“Ok, I’ll listen but I don’t promise anything,” he knew he couldn’t win with the Englishman. And maybe if he resolved it quickly he would go and finally leave him in peace.

“I’ve been telling you for about an hour already! I mean, those voices in my head…”

“Are a proof you are going crazy.” Kiku finished in tired voice. If this went on any longer he would also start hearing them…

Since he came here he had been going on and on about the boy, Alfred as he learned his name, and some girl which caused Arthur to hear some murderous voices. But no matter how much he thought about it he just couldn’t find an answer to why was it happening. That’s why he came looking for help.

“You’re in love, Arthur.”

“Damn it, I’m not…!” Arthur blushed a little and looked away from his friend. “I’m not in love with him! There’s just no way!”

“Why not? Face it. You’re gay, Arthur. I think everyone knows it. And the only answer to your problem I can offer you is that. You’re in love and you’re really jealous of the girl hanging around your Alfred.”

Arthur’s blush only deepened which only confirmed Kiku’s suspicious.

“I don’t even know him! I just learnt his name yesterday!”

“Whatever. Believe what you want. But one day you will need to agree with me.”

With one last shout of rejection of the idea Arthur ran out of the apartment.

Kiku gave a loud sigh and looked down at cat who finally came out from hiding. He took her in his hands and started relaxing. “Finally some silence, right, little one?”

Arthur was sitting by a counter; this time he was a customer as it was his day off. He was still thinking about what Kiku had said. Was it possible? Could he be in love with the younger man? I mean, he was still a student, probably few years younger than him, handsome and popular. It was easy for fall for his honest smiles but what chance was there he was gay? And what more, what chance was there he would even like Arthur. No matter how much he thought about it he just couldn’t find any solution. He knew from the beginning that it was futile harboring any positive feelings towards the boy. But Arthur found it hard not being attracted to him.

He was so deep in his thoughts that he didn’t notice that a person had sat next to him. Still deep in his own world he felt something pock his shoulder. Taken from his thoughts he was ready to give a piece of mind to the person who was brave enough to bother him when he met bright blue eyes.

The words just died in his throat and he had to look away to hide his flushed face from the other man. He just hope Alfred didn’t notice it.

“Great to meet you, Arthur. I didn’t think that I would see you here today. Just my luck, huh?” Alfred said and winked at him.

“It’s not like we should. Besides, why are you sitting here?” Arthur really wanted him to go. Him being here, when just a moment ago he had been thinking about the younger boy wasn’t helping even a little. It was even making it all worse, it he had to be honest. It was harder to think about anything when Alfred was sitting so close to him, looking and smiling at him. In his though he started cursing Kiku who seemed to be right about some things.

“It’s the first time I meet you on your day off. Which means we can talk however long we want! Isn’t it amazing?” It seemed that he was always in high spirit and Arthur really didn’t know what could make him down.

“And who says I want you here? I was having great time sitting alone, thank you.”

In that moment the doors opened and a girl, the same girl that was with Alfred and his friends that day, came into the bar. As if she had some kind of a radar she immediately noticed them - or rather Alfred - and before he could even blink she was next to them, hanging onto the younger man. Just like the last time he managed to slip away from her embrace and they started talking as if Arthur wasn’t there anymore. And the said man was having a hard time controlling his emotions looking at them together. The way she was fussing around Alfred annoyed him so much. He noticed how she would get closer and closer to him, her hand wandering around trying to touch him, on his arms, legs, even going as far as to slowly trail her fingers down his face. And he just sat there as if it didn’t bother him that much, as if it was the most natural thing in the world. It was then, looking at the pair who seemed to be in their own world, that Arthur heard those weird voices. ‘And God forgive me’ Arthur thought as suddenly those voices were as reasonable as anything that was coming to his mind.

Not being able to control himself any longer Arthur stood up and without the world left the bar.

He was angry, very angry and jealous…

The wall outside could confirm it all…

“So why are you here again?” Kiku asked in tired voice, knowing what is about to happen.

Arthur sat on the floor in Kiku’s room once again playing with his cat who didn’t hide this time as the man seemed more calm than he was the last time he came over.

“I think…” he started not even looking at the other for he didn’t want him to see him blushing. Though he probably could even then. “I just want to say you may have been right… about what you said last time…”

Out of the things he expected this wasn’t one of them. He smiled a little realizing that maybe Arthur finally accepted everything just the way it was.

“Glad to see you finally open your eyes and realize the truth. But I don’t see the reason why you should come and tell me this. Or maybe…” he stopped for a second to look at the man sitting on the floor, “you want some help about your love life huh?” he finished and with satisfaction saw the blush deepen with anger and embarrassment.

Arthur stood up and just like before ran out of the apartment.

Kiku still looking at the door sighed. “Please let them resolve it really fast or my patience will end soon.”

Why was he here again? Did he want to make his life a living hell? Without him everything would have been a lot easier. Especially without his constant chattering about everything and nothing. Arthur was back to work and Alfred once again found some time to torture him with his presence. And why was she here again? Why did it seem like everything was against him? Just as he realized he might be in love with the younger man he, as if to spite him, flirted with the girl, in his presence. He just didn’t know what to think about it all anymore.

“You know what Alfred?” the voice of the girl, so hurtful to Arthur’s ears, came to him. “We should start going out!”

Oh no, they were not about to get together right here, right?

At that moment Alfred looked right into Arthur’s eyes as if searching for in them. Then he smiled as if the answers to his unspoken questions were what he was looking for. He turned to the girl, “Sorry but no.” He flatly rejected her with a bright smile.

“What?! But…! You’re single! I know it. You have no one so why can’t we just go out together!” the girl screamed.

“Hmm…” Alfred looked as if he was thinking very hard. “Well, to tell the truth I have someone that I already like!” he explained.

Arthur felt like something inside him broke when he heard him. Of course he would have someone he liked. He stopped listening to the conversation of the two, just to spare himself more heartbreak. Suddenly he felt someone pull him by his tie that he found himself half-laying on the counter. That someone was Alfred and his face was close, really close, to his own. Once again he found himself so warm. He notice the death glare sent his way, if look could kill he would have been already dead.

“Why so mad? You wanted to know who I like, isn’t that right?” Alfred asked.

“You…” slowly something seemed to sink into her, something that Arthur still couldn’t grasp. What was going on here? “He…” she couldn’t find the right words.

“That’s right!” Alfred said and moved his other free hand and slowly traced his fingers down the Arthur’s face whose face was getting hotter and hotter with every passing second.

“I can’t believe it! You mean to tell me that you’re gay?!” she screamed.

Alfred smirked at her and in a second he pulled Arthur even closer by the tie and then closed the remaining space between them and covered his lips by his own. Arthur couldn’t believe what was happening. One minute he was angsting about supposedly losing his crush and the next one the said crush was kissing him! Before he could do anything the warmth of Alfred’s lips disappeared and turned to the girl. “Do you understand now? Then you can just save your tears and go. You are creating a scene here.” The girl with tears in her eyes ran from the bar.

Both of them watched her leave in silence. No one said a word. Arthur was still speechless from the kiss and Alfred seemed content just looking at the older man. As he finally was able to look at the other he saw sincere emotions in his eyes, he wasn’t joking or anything. What just happened was real and smiled a little before turning back to his usual self and smacked Alfred on the head.

“What was that all about, you git?!” he screamed. And as he watched him laugh and try to explain himself he thought to himself that maybe everything will turn out okay. That maybe there will be a happy ending for him.

The end.

A/N: I’m very sorry for this story… I was inspired to write it last summer when without net and all I was spending it at my aunt’s house. I heard this song Giulia “Shot that…” and before I knew it I started writing this story (originally was supposed to be Laven but oh well…).

I hope I didn’t kill anyone with this story… And that someone out there might have liked it. xDD


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