Redbirds still in the hunt, agent says: No timetable for a decision from the Mulder camp, after all, which is good. Or maybe not good. I guess the idea was to force the teams interested in him put offers on the table already. Or maybe he was going to decide but now wants to give Arizona more time to figure how much they want him. Meh. I'll just finish working on my paper then, thanks. Boys.
A Cardinal the past two seasons, Mulder will marry Lindsey Pringle this afternoon in Scottsdale, Ariz.
Lindsey? lol, Brianna. Elena. I am oddly proud of him. There is a world of difference between marrying a blonde named Amber and marrying a blonde named Lindsey. (I am judgmental about the most random things, and I know I made a face when I heard 'Amber' for the first time.) But I approve of Lindseys, generally. Way to be, Mark. Hope things work out for you, even with the repression and all.
Huddy's in AZ for the wedding, which fills me with little hearts. I'll just entertain myself with the thought that the stutter re-emerged (pre-wedding jitters, don't you know) and got one last sendoff ^_~
"You can sign the President's name?"
"On a document removing him from power and handing it to someone else?"
"Yeah. Or do you think the White House Counsel would say that was a bad idea?"
"I think the White House Counsel would say that was a coup d'etat."
John Spencer died a year ago today. I had him on the brain all this week, and I wasn't really sure why especially now, and it just finally came to me. I read somewhere that John Spencer once said that Leo was the best character he ever played, that Leo was real to him in a way he hadn't experienced as an actor before. I was so happy to hear that. I loved Leo, so I loved John for bringing him to life. When John died, Leo died, and I really felt like I'd personally lost someone.
"Well, nothing says Christmas like animal fables in iambic verse." "That's what I say."
I loved him finger-wagging. "Who the hell is this guy and why do I care if he has a Merry Christmas?"
I loved him irritated with English nobility.
I loved him sick with worry about Jed.
I loved him compassionate but unyielding.
I loved him when he was seemed half-convinced Margaret was indeed an escaped mental patient.
I loved how he commanded with presence, even though 98% of the staff physically towered over him.
I loved him humoring the president's crises of esteem.
"Did the guys make any predictions?" "No, I didn't ask." "Yes, you did." "They think we're going to hold at 42."
Glasses!Leo + SituationRoom!Leo? Love. I loved him asking tough questions.
I loved his wtf face.
I loved him wierded out, but still touched, by impromptu physical displays of affection.
I loved him alive and well after the shootings. Do you remember that summer, all the rumors flying that it was Leo who'd been hit? I was so scared.
"Hey, come here.... It's okay." "I'll see you in a few hours, Mr. President."
I loved him taking a moment, in the middle of everything, to try to offer Gina some comfort. "You got the girl in the car, Gina."
"What the hell are you doing practicing the president's signature?!" I loved him for making me laugh so hard, when I spent most of this episode heartsick with worry.
I loved him for being as amused by Ainsley as I was. "CJ Cregg thinks you kill your pets. You don't do that, do you?"
I loved that he waited for Josh. "Then a friend walks by. Hey Joe, it's me, can you help me out? And the friend jumps in the hole! Our guy says Are you stupid? Now we're both down here! and the friend says, Yeah, but I've been down here before, and I know the way out."
I loved him with Sam, something I never thought we got enough of. lol, oh Sam. A Jed in progress.
"It was a beautiful service I thought." "Yeah." "I thought it was a beautiful service. She was a real dame, old friend."
I loved him wide-eyed and full of faith.
And I adored him moved to tears by a simple gesture.
*caps courtesy of
_jems_ Ah. Off to papering.