May 17, 2006 10:32
+ Has anyone read James Patterson's Maximum Ride: The Angel Experiment? The premise seems vaguely Koontz-esque (a secret government agency genetically engineers children with wings, for some nefarious purpose, I'm sure), and I enjoyed the few Alex Cross mysteries of Patterson's that I've read. But I confess I'm a little wary of the fact that the book is categorized as "teen fiction." I mean, I'm not too far removed from my Lois Duncan years, but still...
Also wondering if anyone's read Nick Hornby's A Long Way Down? (Seeing that he's written a new book reminds me - I never did finish How To Be Good.)
+ I was at BJ's Wholesale Club, running errands for me ma and I saw the first three seasons of The X-Files available for $29.99 each. I'm fairly positive that when XF sets first hit the streets, they were priced around $100. Any XF fans know if these cheaper sets are repackaged releases, or are these the same $100 sets priced down to something I can actually afford? (Btw, I saw that the SG-1 boxsets had also been marked down to $29.99. If I could get these wholesale joints to mark down B5, I would be SET.)
OH I ALMOST FORGOT - Con Air was re-released this week with bonus footage! Like, happy early birthday present to me. It's only seven extra minutes of footage, no commentary, no featurette, BUT STILL. I guess this is as good as it gets, which means I should go ahead and buy this movie on dvd already. So yes, the special edition of Con Air is a little lacking, but I remain unswayed in my conviction that a fully loaded special edition of Face/Off will eventually be released. From my keyboard to the dvd gods' mainframe.
+ I am, at this very moment, downloading the pilot episode of Life on Mars, which is another one I've heard a lot of hullabaloo about. I'm all about shows with Mars in the title, all at once.
+ The rivalry between the Cubs and the Cardinals is probably the oldest and perhaps the best in baseball, no matter how the Red Sox and Yankees spit and spite at each other. That's a tabloid fueled soap opera about money and ego and sound bites. That's a pair of bratty high-priced supermodels trying to trip each other in their stilettos on the runway. But the Cards-Cubs epic is about roots and geography and territorial rights. It's entwined in the Midwestern blood and therefore refreshing and honest and even heroic.
Oh, Buzz Bissinger. You had me rolling and sorta willing to follow your lead...until that last line. Um, what? Someone please explain to me how the holier-than-thou attitude of the Midwest is in any way more attractive than how admittedly self-impressed East Coasters are. I mean, really. Buzz Bissinger, you can kindly 'refreshing and honest and even heroic' deez nuts, as the kids say. Or, in the parlance of more of my f-list: EM ETIB.
(Though that 'bratty supermodels' characterization of the NYY and BOS organizations is completely hilarious, you must admit.)
things that make me go ha,
ways to spend money i don't have,
books: passages,