World Trade Center trailer. If you don't want to download, you can stream it (
here). I ended up making the decision not to see United 93, didn't think I would be able to handle it in a theatre full of people, but I look forward to WTC, I think. For one, WTC features a cast of recognizable faces, as opposed to United 93's cast of unknowns, so I should be better able to realize at all times that what I'm watching is a movie. Not just Nic Cage, but Maria Bello and Maggie Gyllenhaal. There's the locksmith, from Crash, whose name I should learn, apparently. The other port authority officers are all familiar faces - guys who have been playing New Yawkers on tv for ages. And second, I believe both Port Authority officers depicted in this film worked alongside the creators of the movie, so I feel like it'll be more directly drawn from their actual experiences on 9/11. Which is not to say United 93 pulled its depiction of what happened out of the air, but at the end of the day, it just didn't sit so comfortably with me, how much of the interaction and exchanges in that film the creators must have extrapolated based on what little evidence they had of how things went down. And I'm not gonna lie, I had no real interest in sitting in a theatre, watching extremists threaten a planeful of innocent people for 2 hours. I really enjoyed Munich but I don't think I've ever been as uncomfortable in a movie theatre as I was during the first 15 or so minutes, which depicted Black September's assault on the Jewish athletes.
I don't think I could go see WTC if the story had been about the two firefighters who were found dead, locked in an embrace. But it's about two Port Authority officers who survived, and that's a story I want to see, and hear.
The WTC trailer reminds me a lot of the Pearl Harbor trailer, which I thought was beautifully striking. The shot of the young boys playing baseball looking up at the sky to see the Japanese bombers got the same reaction out of me as the Port Authority officer looking up from the tourist's map at the sound of a plane flying over.
+ If you don't have the MLB All Access Sound 2003 dvd,
Bri ripped and uploaded the footage of the ride-along with Zito. + I fell asleep on all my ballgames yesterday! Which is fine, as it turned out, since almost none of them ended happily for my boys. Missed the NYY comeback, which looked pretty cool, though I'm not inclined to rewatch the entire broadcast. But I do love that about baseball, the dramatic comeback, even when it's the Yankees.
Speaking of rewatching broadcasts, I was watching Haren's start, and saw Scott Erickson come out of the bullpen for the Yanks. Creeeeepy. And the Yankees announcers were wistfully remarking how strange it was to see the number 46 on a right hander, and I ALMOST felt bad for them, but then they should know that feeling, because it weirded me out when Towers wore 35, and it still weirds me out every time Cabrera rolls out in number 35, so yeah, guys, that's how the rest of us feel when you seduce away our franchise faces.
Also, they went on this little tangent where they started counting how many guys on the field in that inning had been on People's 50 Most Beautiful list, and carrying on about the Yankees being the best looking team in baseball, at which point - with apologies to the Oakland hitters - I had to skip ahead to the next inning.
+ In other news, since I'm all caught up on The Office-US, I decided to download the last 10 eps of Supernatural. I think I might also finally crack the seal on season one of Veronica Mars. Whoo new fandom.
I've read like 10 pages of Three Nights in August in the past week :P At this rate, I'll be finishing it up in August.