Man, it's taken me much too long to work the BSG icons back into the rotation!
-- So, so glad to see Adama back in the saddle. It really was painful watching Tigh screw things up but good. And no Ellen in this ep! Awesome.
-- So relieved Lee didn't go through with recording the statement. I honestly think it would have broken something inside his father.
-- I love the way Zarek's taken the opportunity presented to position himself close to the seat of popular power.
-- Over in comments to
trajictale's recent post,
eve11 suggested that Kara's destiny might be to become the 13th Cylon model, and that the mysterious scar might have something to do with that (and someone else added that we saw several Karas reflected in the shattered glass o.O) DUN DUN DUN DUNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN. I think that would be an awesome development, but I gotta believe whatever TPTB are hinting at is gonna be bigger than that. I have no idea how, which is part of what I love about this show.
-- So, Simon was giving me Kimmie vibes big time. But I guess I know him from SG-1, not Highlander. And I was so sure he'd done a stint as a baddie on HL.
-- Kara's mom? What a monster. I honestly don't even want to know any more about Kara's childhood. My imagination has pretty much shown me more than I can stomach.
-- Capri!Boomer is back ^_^ Hopefully for longer than the teasers for next week's ep suggest. I just have no idea what to think of her, and that's very fun.
-- I must confess, I was a little afraid the show's quality would suffer going from 13 eps to 22 a season. Glad to have those fears proven groundless ^_^
-- Seems like Vala will be around a while yet. I'm kind of confused - I thought CB was only signed on for 4 eps?
-- I liked the little scene between Vala and Cam in the beginning. It's fun watching BB and CB work together one on one with such different chemistry. I'm with
johnnybvo, can we let Sam keep doing whatever she's off doing and keep Vala? :-P
-- You know, I liked Lexa as Rommie on Andromeda. I was excited to hear she was joining SG-1 as well. But could Dr. Lam be anymore BORING? I'm not even all that interested in what's going on between her and Cam, whatever that is. She could not be any more one-note so far, and I'm getting tired of her and her attitude. Also, so not surprised that it turns out she's Landry's daughter. They've been telegraphing that shit since the premiere and I'm pretty disappointed that their backstory hasn't turned out to be something else entirely. Anyway, new doc = YAWN.
-- Cam and Teal'c were playing cards. Heh.
-- I do like the way the writers are developing the threat of the Ori. I'm also glad they're really showing why it's gonna be such a hard fight for the SG-gang to win. I am all about plot arcs spanning several eps and I'm glad to see SG-1 get back to that.
Off to the ballgame, where the temperature will allegedly feel like a steamy 101 degrees. Fun times.