Apr 08, 2005 21:54
((Liana, I hate you. Ur a little bitch. Ur a manipulative, controlling, life-altering bitch who never deserves to be happy.))
I take back what I said about Liana. It's not exactly fair that I say that about her. She didn't exactly do too much to me, except try to seperate Colin and me, and if I were her, I'd probably do the same thing. I've heard Liana's opinion on this many times, though I have discovered quite a couple misleading information that she told me, but I really don't care.
Liana, I'm sorry. I know you've had a bad past and this isn't something that should be added to you. What I had replied into your livejournal, with the questions was the truth. I'm hopeing that maybe, just maybe you'd be willing to give me a second chance like you did for Colin. I'm asking this, because I really do want to get to know you better. Much as it may not show, we really do have quite a lot on common. We've both have had shitty pasts and have been hurt a lot. Well, I'm hopeing that you can look into your mind, heart and soul and find the same kindness that you have for your friends, to forgive me. I'm truely sorry, I may not like you that much right now, but my best friend and I started off hating each other so much, Aralyn tried to kill me. Literally, in 6th grade. But now she and I are the best of friends and she is really the only one that has my complete trust, besides Ian. I'm not asking to become you'r best friend, all's I'm asking if for another chance to be able to get to know the real "Liana" and not "that chick that stole my best guy friend away" I can understand where you're coming from on the issues and I think we should have a talk, just between us and no one else. Think we could manage that? I think we can cause we're both humans with feelings. I think maybe, not soon probably, but someday we can be friends. Hopefully you've read this and I do think you deserve to be happy. Thanks for reading.
If you want to call or email me, it's 883-3258 or Chibiusagi100@yahoo.com