Mar 13, 2005 17:30
I really need a car...I want to go onto the highway with my upbeat japanese music and speed...I just want to drive and forget everything going on for just a little while. It just boosts my addrenlein (i spelt that wrong, i know)
But yah, the internet is seriously starting to royally piss me off...I don't know my AOL password, so I can only go online if I've been good and then my mom will type in my password. I'M ALMOST 18 FUCKING YEARS OLD FOR CRYING OUT LOUD YET THAT WOMAN STILL TREATS ME LIKE A CHILD!!! ::growls::
I'm gonna go vent on gaia, meaning I'm gonna RP. PM me on gaia or send me and email if you wanna chat.
later dayz, love
p.s. If anyone wants to call me, my number is 883-3258. Call me to hang out or whateva. Just no later then 8pm (parents go to sleep then) Call my cell and I'll transfer u to the house phone. Laterz