Moving Day~

Apr 08, 2009 02:07



I've spent the last month (since I got fired by KinderCare, basically) working on the house in Wilsonville to get it ready to move back into at the end of our lease here in the apartment. On KLC's dime, I might add, since the STATE OF OREGON determined that I was NOT fired "with cause" and am therefore eligible for unemployment benefits. *cackle*

The last week or so I've been averaging 10+ hour days of construction work, and I now have a beautiful kitchen and bathroom, both of which go with the rest of the house that was already beautiful.

The 2nd bedroom is still a disaster, but that's ok. We don't NEED that room for anything right now, so we can have it be a work-in-progress that we work on during the weekends, while we're living there.

I've spent the last 14 hours (yes, straight. yes, I know I'm nuts.)  doing the last bunch of stuff that needed to be done to make it habitable, cleaning mostly, finishing off with steamcleaning the carpets with Michelle's carpet shampooer, which while horrifyingly heavy to a lightweight like me, especially with how tiredexhausted I am right now.

And now I get 5 hours of sleep before we have to go pick up the U-haul truck to move all our crap (much of which is extremely sturdy, well-built, HEAVY AS FUCK furniture... I'm looking at you, giant Sauder desk o' mine!) from this apartment in Hillsboro, back into our lovely home in Wilsonville.

And we don't have internet service at the house because I forgot to set it up in advance.
And we don't have CABLE at the house, for the same reason as above.
So I'll be rather more silent than usual, what with my only source of internet access being my phone, and it hates LJ.

On the up side, maybe I'll finally get through Final Fantasy 8! Or finish FF10.... hmmmm. decisions, decisions.
Now... sleep tiem. For a little while, at least. >_>

I'm massively looking forward to living near my friends again, and having time to be social. I miss my Bevy and DD!
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