i just got back from Japan, i swear it was the best days of my entire life.among the countries i went for the past 2 decades, Japan was the best place i ever visited. i went there for 11 days. believe me, it wasn’t enough for you to wandering across the towns.
- Tokyo : 6 days 5 nights
- Kyoto : 3 days 2 nights
- Osaka : 2 days 1 night
for those who are wondering where i go and how to get there, here’s my itineraries. if got anything that you concerns , feel free to drop comments at the end of this post. & also do please look for the Halal food itinerary on the next post. i listed down for these three states. thank you. xx
For the suica card/ icoca card , if you’re planning to use it, do please topup ¥2000 - ¥3000 first, you might not used as much as i did. I topup ¥10,000 yen , after 11days , i still had ¥3000 ++ in it.Bare in mind, ¥500 is deducted for deposit.
*i listed it by days and states. do please seek for the state that you’re looking for. *