Aug 29, 2010 19:56
Okay, so First off, we have:
Sand in stretchy swimsuit fabric. Looks awful in light colors, won't wash out in the laundry. Guess what? You put that baby on and do an imitation of a bra-slap with it and viola! the fine particles come out of it when it's dry and stretched out! We got Morna a super-cute swimsuit with a white background and it got all muddled up at the beach. Yay me!
WIC offers whole wheat bread or tortillas, or brown rice, or...I think...corn tortillas. I have just discovered that the 1 lb requirement for this means that the wheat bread you get is Sara Lee, not some terrible, dry, or bland off-brand. Whee!
Also, having a baby on chemo elicits WAY more sympathy than I ever expected. Is this because I'm the parent going through it and feeling guilty about the whole thing? I have NO idea. But the first part of this statement is true. Lots of sympathy. No hair loss yet, so she's still WAY cute! yay!!
The End!