"You people and your quaint little categories."

Jul 21, 2009 01:30

I just watched Torchwood Children of Earth, Day 1. It's causing ludicrous amounts of flailing.

So far, it's different than what we've seen previously, better in some ways. I still miss Tosh. She could have been epic, if given more character development outside of pining for Owen. I totally wanted her to have time to make out with more girls. Maybe even ones that weren't homicidal aliens. I miss Owen in the role of the necessary asshole, even though I didn't like him. I expect I'm going to get tired of The Gwen Show awfully fast. I haven't been super impressed by her. Plus, cheating always has the possibility of putting me off a character permanently, especially if they're supposed to be a moral center for the show. I know, the most interesting part of that is seeing what makes them slip up, but it's a thing with me. I can deal with slaughter, if that makes it better. (I have interesting fictional priorities.) And Rhys is surprisingly awesome.

Have I mentioned how very fond I am of Jack/Ianto? Because I am. The fact that they're suddenly a couple ruins it for me a little. Not to mention, they seem to be monogamous? Unless I missed something. I just can't see it, at least not at this point. I admit, I really wanted to see them move towards being primary partners but stay non-monogamous and considering, well, Jack, I thought that was not only possible but probable. I was also somehow surprised by Ianto's apparent otherwise lack of gay. In retrospect, it does make sense. "Straight except for that one person" just never occurs to me. At least not in those terms, I guess I think of it as simply being a Kinsey 1. I do hope he gets some decent screen time that doesn't involve love life related angst.

I actually don't like Jack/Ianto to the exclusion of Jack/Gwen. My only issue with it is Rhys (and maybe that dating multiple coworkers at the same time seems like a massively BAD IDEA), although I do think their dynamic works better if it remains unspoken. OT: Nine/Rose/Jack is also sort of becoming an OT3. Despite the fact that I really love the original, asexual Doctor concept.

I realize I haven't written much about what I did like, but I was seriously impressed. It was action packed, to say the least. They did an excellent job of setting up a story arc that I don't believe will drag much, if at all, over the next four episodes. (I am totally spoiled for the ending but just NOT DEALING with it.)

Gratuitous gifs! (With bonus Doctor Who companion love because it makes me happy.)

I need a Tosh/Mary gif.

Edit for Day 2: I love both Agent Johnson and that personal asstant, Lois. As soon as she started pulling out all the information, I was like "Offer her a job!" Gwen actually was pretty badass. So was Ianto! Busting in with the heavy machinery was excellent.

On the other hand, I just about burst into tears when I saw the room built for Species 9472 the 456. There's nothing like the foreboding caused by spoiler-y screen caps.

MOAR BATMAN COMPLEX, PLZ. It's not even a Batman complex. I don't know what the hell it is. I miss the peering off tall buildings while pretending to be omniscient. Am I the only one who finds it both endearing and amusing?

In loosely related, potentially TMI, news, this page kind of makes me want to watch every episode of Old Who ever. http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/FetishFuel/DoctorWho Okay, almost every one.


doctor who/torchwood/sja

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