Mar 30, 2007 09:44
My computer is working again. After having to format the entire badboy I've managed to get it up and running and the windows CD key which I had to buy has come my way!
I spent a month at puckapunyal helping to train about 50 blokes on their infantry mod courses. I immediately came back and found out when I could do my courses to get some rank. Yelling at people and giving orders is all well and good, but it'd help if I had some rank to back it up. However, I did get some insight into how courses are run with army and improved my swearing vocabulary slightly. It's awesome having people to boss around. And to the bloke that I made cry... sorry.
Best leave it at that for the moment. I'm sure I'll have stuff to enter over the weekend. I'm determined to get fitter after my month of sloth at army. I need to get a new program at my gym.