First some links:
One to
two TSCC vidlets done for the
Itty-Bitty Viddy Ficcy Thon challenge. Small is beautiful!
The other to
commentary on kiki-miserychick’s fabulous Sarah Connor vid Ding!Dong! The latest challenge in vid commentary is for vidders and viewers to do
paired commentaries on their own vids. I’m in two minds about this, at least the vidder part. I'll happily put myself forward to comment on other people’s vids but the prospect of signing up to do something in depth and illustrated on your own work feels much more presumptious. I mean I’ve babbled on at length about some of my vids but that was just text and text is cheap. Screencaps would be taking self-involvment to a whole new level. One alternative would be to do an audio commentary but that would involve listening to recordings of myself and again a world of not worthy. Sometimes it’s hard being raised English. There is one vid of mine that I think could bypass the self-screencapping issues. I could do a commentary on Babies illustrated mostly by Biology textbook scans. Yeah, that would work.