Movie vidlet

Nov 23, 2009 16:32

Title: Riots
Music: A.R. Rahman “Riots” from the movie “Slumdog Millionaire”
Movie: Black Narcissus
Warnings: Nothing explicit
Format: DivX
Size: 28.1 MB

Summary I couldn’t stop the wind from blowing and I couldn’t hide the mountain.

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I was lucky. I first saw this movie in the cinema, the remastered print. It was a matinee showing and I remember coming out of the theatre dazed and confused at how drab the real world looked by comparison. Slumdog Millionaire made me think of it again. I think because of the music because although they’re both films by British directors based on books by Indian authors, they’re really very different. Black Narcissus is, famously, an exercise in artifice. Entirely shot in the studio, beautifully, beautifully composed. The story is all about the breakdown of that kind of control, which could be read Heart of Darkness fashion but I think it’s made pretty clear that the Europeans bring their own darkness with them. Watch the movie. See what you see. There’s a commentary on the DVD with Michael Powell talking to Martin Scorsese. Powell plays a lovely old duffer to Scorsese’s whatever the New York equivalent of a Jack Russell terrier desperate to be thrown a ball might be. It’s fun too. |
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