
Oct 31, 2009 18:31

I don’t think I should even pretend to think about taking part in any kind of vid exchange -the fastest one I’ve ever made took 3 months and that’s not including all the early brain-vidding part of the process. Although it’s probably a good thing that someone just posted a Supernatural vid to Paul McCartney’s Blackbird because for a short while I ( Read more... )

movies, vidding, tv

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Comments 8

frenchani October 31 2009, 19:44:39 UTC
It's funny you post this list because I baptized my new tv set by rewatching Robin and Marian a few days ago, and I have considered watching again Dirty Pretty Things for I own it on DVD too.


aycheb November 1 2009, 00:27:25 UTC
I have Dirty Pretty Thingson DVD but not Robin and Marian, we had an old video recording but the tape broke. This must be rectified!


kiki_miserychic November 1 2009, 02:31:36 UTC
I think Northern Exposure might have been my first fandom (before I and most people had the internet). My little child self used to yell "da moose, da moose" when the opening started because I was so excited.


aycheb November 1 2009, 10:38:30 UTC
I was a little older when I used to make sure to get home in time to watch but totally agree with your child self about the moose.


vonniek November 2 2009, 01:06:57 UTC
(except for Black Narcissus because I’m working on one for that and don't want to jinx it)



I'd kill for a P&P-verse vid (it'd be challenging, esp. mix of the technocolor and the B&W films, but my, what a project!), but if there was one film among their work that's crying to be vidded, it'd be Black Narcissus. All that gorgeous colour and repressed passion run amok and the symbolism! I can't wait to see this vid.


aycheb November 2 2009, 23:38:11 UTC
It's such an amazing film. I'm still just clipping but even clipping is intimidating. Even sliced and diced with the sound track off, the real thing manages to be better than the movie in my head.


streussal November 3 2009, 00:50:19 UTC
This is coming out of the blue, but would you mind if I friended you? I've been popping around watching vids and reading Dollhouse meta and really enjoyed yours. Sometimes you articulate things that I've been trying to sort out, and other times point things out that I haven't noticed. (I also noticed you watch Glee.)


aycheb November 3 2009, 08:37:40 UTC
Not at all (friending always good). And thank you!


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