
Oct 31, 2009 18:31

I don’t think I should even pretend to think about taking part in any kind of vid exchange -the fastest one I’ve ever made took 3 months and that’s not including all the early brain-vidding part of the process. Although it’s probably a good thing that someone just posted a Supernatural vid to Paul McCartney’s Blackbird because for a short while I had this overwhelming urge to commit the world’s first Lord King Dollhouse Meta Episodic Bad Vid (it’s about a BIRD. A *BLACK* BIRD). That wouldn’t take 3 months.

Trying to think of rare fandoms to nominate, request or offer for a virtual version of festivids is still fun though.

Boys from the Black Stuff/GBH

Bleak House (Diana Rigg and Gillian Anderson versions)

Prime Suspect

Black Books, Blackadder, The Young Ones, The Royale Family

The Terry Gilliam animations in Monty Python

David Attenborough’s Life on Earth and all the series that came after

Noggin the Nog (because I have the DVDs, but all things Postgate)

Northern Exposure

V (the original series -must include Diana eating live rodents and the birth scene)

Women of Pixar

Powell and Pressburger movies (except for Black Narcissus because I’m working on one for that and don't want to jinx it)

Movies in which Cary Grant dresses up in women’s clothing

Wings of Desire

Night of the Demon (omitting the last 3 minutes)

Bell, Book and Candle/Vertigo (aka Kim Novak is hot)


Robin Hood movies (not the Kevin Costner one but definitely the Sean Connery/Audrey Hepburn one)

Three Women

Dirty Pretty Things

movies, vidding, tv

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