Forces of Nature

Apr 16, 2011 22:39

I'm not even sure where to begin, but I suppose "everyone is alive, and our house is still standing" is as good of place as any.

We had eight tornadoes tear through Raleigh today. I was at work, and we were fine, but Edward was at home. He's fine too, and our house has only a teeny bit of damage to the underskirting, but we live in a trailer park, and most of the rest of the neighborhood is gone. We were told to evacuate. I had to walk halfway home because my boss drove me and we couldn't get through cause of all the damage. The tornado tore a line right from my work past my house.

People died in my neighborhood. There are houses gone, trees everywhere. Edward grabbed the cats and the rats, and clothes and stuff, and evacuated cause there was a gas line leaking and no one knew what houses were structurally sound. Ours is fine, but it's possible that we won't be able to get back into it for a week. So we drove to my parents. I was soaking wet and dirty, and Edward packed in such a panic that we are missing stuff like deodorant and my laptop cable and we will need to buy dry food for the cats and stuff.

There is a lot more, but I'm still shaken and confused. We have pictures, and I will post them tomorrow.

But we are alive, and while we can't get into it, our house and things are fine. It could be a lot worse. It's a lot worse for most all of my neighbors. gods be with them. We were so damned lucky.

awesome fiance, holy shit nature, lucky as hell

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