FIC: 048. Incomplete/Partial

Mar 15, 2007 02:01

wow, things are much too quiet. and so, i post fic.

Title: 048. Incomplete/Partial OR What I Did For My Summer Vacation, by Fujimiya Ran
Author: newtypeshadow
Rating: PG
Warnings: AU
Notes: Thanks to shadowgoddess42 for info on Todai and Japanese school systems. Written for slash_me_twice challenge (table here).

What I Did For My Summer Vacation

This summer I met someone.

This August I began work in a restaurant. I am a server. I take orders and bring people their food. It is a lot of busy work. The pay is acceptable, but people are finicky about food, which means I work hard for my earnings.

The most interesting days in the restaurant are when the students from Tokyo University summer program came in after exams. They are well behaved and polite, and seem to appreciate more than adults the work people our age do in the jobs that we get.

One particular group outwardly seems ill-matched, but is in fact quite close. They range in age from fifteen-a prodigy-to twenty-eight-a businessman. They initially unnerved all of the staff, but after getting to know them, I found them to be quite interesting. Three of them are gaijin, but they all speak fluent Japanese, though two only recently came to Japan. The German acts more like an American than the American does; he asks many questions and has a tendency to laugh loudly. He often asked me to accompany him places around the city, claiming not to know the area well. At first I thought he was teasing, as he often does. Then I realized he was serious. I knew that he had been here for less than a year, but surely he had people clambering to The prodigy is a soft-spoken Japanese boy. He wears a high school uniform so that he will not be hassled in the street for being a college student. The Irishman has his ears almost completely pierced, and a tendency to order steak knives to go with the softest foods, even when all he should need are chopsticks. The American seems to have the final decision, and always pays for the food, even when he doesn’t order anything but coffee.

I saw the group once when passing near Todai, and they took me around the university, and then showed me their apartment complex. Their apartments were all meticulously clean. The American lives in a complex with the teachers, as he teaches two upper level classes. But the other three, whose places I saw, had clean rooms, and the German’s had an unexpected hentai manga sitting innocently on the bed with the occasional half-read book lying about. The German was very interested in showing me his books. The other three went to the prodigy’s room; I’m assuming they had been through this introduction before.

I ended up spending much of the evening at the university, and thereafter, would generally be picked up by the German after work and brought back to spend time there.

It was through my strangely formed friendship with this group of people that I came to decide attending Todai would indeed be the best choice for my future, rather than attending school abroad. I will work part-time at the restaurant until I go to university, and then room with Sch in that complex. I discussed it with my parents, and they are thrilled with my decision.

It was a very good summer, all things considered. I have a job, new close friends, and am beginning to plan my future.

Also, I have the hottest boyfriend ev-

ps. If anyone is willing to beta Schu/Ran NC-17, please comment or e-mail me at newtypeshadow[at]hotmail[dot]com--there are a few things I'd like to post, but I don't want them to be utter un-betaed disasters when they're posted.
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