.... I can't believe this.
I'm pretty much 90% done with the fourth chapter of Stalk Me Not. And it's GOOD. I LIKE IT. I listened to Billy Joel and OK Go all day and wrote about five pages (combining with it the two/three pages I'd written previously) of it for some INANE reason.
I have one scene left.
And I'm doing everything in my power to not write it.
I posted art on my DA account, updated my FFN profile, and I'm updating this journal. I keep checking my email and replying to everything I possibly can and going to random webpages and my brain just keeps FREAKING SINGING "I'M TIIIIIIIRED, TIIIIIIIIIRED, CLASS TOMORROOOOW, STOOP EATING THE BLUEBERRIIIIIES."
stfu, brain.
I want to go to bed. But I'm afraid that if I save the document I won't want to work in it again. (Yes, scary thought--all that work has yet to be saved... er, I live on the edge?)
I'll edit this later, and you shall find out who won; my determination, my brain, or Chuck Norris.
Who knew junk food and Miyavi would pull through at the very end? I'm so fucking absolutely happy. I hope other people will be happy, especially with the quality.
Get it here, yo.