Title: Reductio ad Absurdum
Fandom: Kingdom Hearts
Characters: Leon, Cloud and Sephiroth
Phrase: (1. "Subdue your passion or it will subdue you"--Horace/6. Oh, that is unbelievably pathetic!/13. You didn't really believe that, did you?/16. Agh! That's awful!)
Warnings/Ratings: PG-13/T (language and a bit of sexual content) Crack. Cause crack
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BTW, awesome icon. <3
If you've played FFVIII then you could read this when you have some spare time I think she actually managed to keep them all in character XD She has nice FFVII stuffs too in her memories. Just sharing <3 I love crackfics too. Angsting doesn't turn me on D:
And thank you XD;
Angsting is horrible. Angsting is... is... BLAH. Why do people write so much angst!? I've only done it a few times (ha ha... sounds like I'm admiting to having done drugs) but whenever I do it nowadays it turns into crack. I just can't take it seriously. Crack really should take over the world. I'm not kidding.
Hee, another cute icon. <3
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