Emmys picspam

Aug 31, 2010 21:43

Yes, the Emmys are so three days ago.
Yes, Hugh Laurie was robbed.
Yes, a lot of shows I love weren't even included, and many actors I love weren't even there.
I've seen the Emmys on and off for 13 years, and this was my favorite (mostly because of twitter, and because I've seen most of the important shows). 
There are moments from the Emmys I wish not to forget, and therefore I've made this picspam.


I have a confession. Because of my endless love for TV, I cannot help but love and admire Tina Fey and her massive talent. But no matter how much I try, I just cannot get into 30 Rock. It's something about the chemistry, and the actors, and Tracey Morgan. I might try again though.

I don't know who she is. I hardly ever watch reality. But I was told I should hate her.

As I said on twitter that night, NPH deserves to win everything (I don't watch HIMYM either!), unless of course, it's against John Barrowman.

I love that Tina is wearing a "late night Jimmy Fallon" t-shirt.

"We're on a horse!" OF WIN. I don't even watch Modern Family! (But I'll give it a shot after I finish catching up with Lie To Me.

I seriously cannot express how happy I was for Jane Lynch. I could never think of someone more deserving than her. I think it's important to give people chances no matter how old they are, and give them love. It also just goes to show it's never too late to achieve anything.

Seriously?! And also everyone should watch "Mr. Sunshine" when it starts. It got Allison Janney in it.

"Whatever you say!"

She is one of the most amazing actresses I've watched. She deserved an Emmy the second year in a row. Oh well.

It was a little awkward, and I didn't die for her hair either. But Bones/Castle crossover FTW.

That actress was in Tod Solondz "Life during war time". It was a good movie. Not his best. But Allison Janney was awesome in it.

Someone on my twitter feed wrote something about Matthew Perry declining the beer. Matthew Perry is an alcoholic. So good for him for doing so.

I downloaded a short version of the Emmys, and it was missing the end (which was the best part!), but I've waited until 6am, just to see him. This man, is so sexy. Seriously, so sexy. When Monica dated Richard 14 years ago, he was so handsome and yummy. Who would have thought that in age 68, he can stay that way?
Also, if you do a search on twitter under "Tom Selleck" you'd see that I'm far from the only one who still thinks so.

In conclusion I dare say, I watch too much TV. This will never change.

toni collette, glee, mr sunshine, tina fey, tom selleck, emmys, picspam, matthew perry, jane lynch, friends, emily deschanel, nph

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