[Life] 仕事 Chap. 3: Sugano continued

Dec 07, 2006 11:38

Yesterday I went out to find 3x5 quadrille indexcards. This is almost impossible! My trek was unsuccessful. So, today I am going to order 12 packs of 3x5 quadrille (section) index cards from Japan! I am going to buy the cards of the same brand as Sugano-- 'Correct.' I know I can buy the index cards from Amazon, but the brand is different (Oxford Grid 3x5) and I find that the lines don't match up very well in brands available here in North America. Also, ironically the cards from Japan would be arriving faster than the ones through Amazon.

The shopping list:

見出しカード (Header Card) 5 x 3 ... 1 pack
情報カード (Index Card) 5 x 3 ... 12 packs
透明ポケット (Clear Pocket) 5 x 3 ... 1 pack

This will be sufficient for all my index card needs... however, I still need a dock!

In the meantime, I've been trying out a post-it board system. It is similar to indexcarding but contains no structure at all. Whenever there is an idea, or piece of information that needs to be recorded, it is written on a post-it and placed on the board. When a task is completed, idea is researched, or items a bought, then they can be taken down. It helps keep other things organized, including my box file, and is a good excuse for my to use my brown Hi-Tec pens!
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