Yay, I have a cold. ._. It wasn't much yesterday but it's been pretty crappy today so I hope I get better tomorrow instead of worse . . . I'm not good at being sick any more, I don't want to just chill and watch TV, I'm all "NO must do things!" which of course I had to give up on anyway. >_o
In honor of the fact that my brother was at the Windows Vista launch today (rofl, it was a press thing), I have something to share with you. You're just going to have to trust me that it's entertaining and I haven't been brainwashed by Windows (HAH). I give you:
Clearification! Let's not even bother with the deep irony of the fact that it doesn't making anything about Vista clear at all, and apparently neither did the launch. XD (As a climax, they demonstrated that you can play UNO on it! . . . if you buy the additional software.)
However, I can die happy now.
Seki Toshihiko dubbing David Tennant. I LOVE YOU YOUTUBE. Now . . . to find Japanese DVDs! Actually they match the lips up pretty well, I'm impressed. o.o And, for your
Daleks speaking Japanese needs, have a fairly long clip from "Bad Wolf 2" (I think?) . . . Did anyone catch what word they were using for "exterminate"? The guy dubbing Christopher Eccleston sounds a a lot like him. Speaking of whom, yay for his new recurring role ABC's Heroes.