Aug 16, 2006 22:20
Oki Doki. So. Amanda found my cell phone! I lost it like a year ago, turns out it was in her couch. I am very uber happy bout that.
My mom got 5 free tickets to the Renacaince festival. That means i'm going 3 times. Can you tell how excited I am? Since she didn't have to buy tickets, she might be able to help my finish my Gypsie outfit. Which would be completely awsome.
I'm going to Kelly's on Thursday with Amanda. We are going to have complete and totall fun and make fools of ourselves. I can't wait.
My geometry course ends this friday. I'm halfway through the final section. all I have to do now is finish the other half, take the 2nd quiz, and take the final. hopefully ill get all of that but the quiz and the final tonight. Maybe be able to finish the quiz if i'm lucky.
My grandparents are coming up late Saturday. I LOVE my grandparents, and I haven't seen them in ages since they live in Tulsa.
Unfortunanintly I'm working on geometry tonight so I wont be able to go to Brooke's. Wish I could though.
So band today was interesting. I really suck at tempered steal. I allways mess up on the last 4 charts, so I really need to work on those, because they don't go with the music and I get confuzed and step off wrong all the time @.@ Otherwise. I did Bolero better than I thought I did. I also did well on mambo, though I had a few brain farts. I'm really glad we had the final runthrough. It definetly could've gone better, but hey.
I have these words to say about my schedual. Shit. Shit. Shit. And Shit.
I found out that Art Ap and Symphony band are the exact same hour. I have to take Art AP. And I really want to take band. Unless we can think of something else. Either I drop one, which would end up being band. Or I take indapendent study. Ind study wouldn't really work for either. I just really don't know what to do about it. I really enjoy band, and I want to get better. But I have to take Art AP, not to mention i'm going to love the class.