Apr 26, 2005 16:53
I finally, finally finished my legal history exam. Ugh. That thing sucked. Definitely not that satisfied with what I turned in, but such is life. The questions were insanely broad and hard. And, when I was reading stuff that I didn't write response papers for, I rarely took notes in the margins. So, I had to go back through the books to find stuff to use for the exam. I don't think I ever want to take a take-home exam again.
After getting that done, I've been insanely productive. I sold a couple of books back at the bookstore for $15, turned in my exam, went to the pharmacy, went to the grocery store for soda, went to Panera for yummy bagels, and went to Target and bought myself the Kasabian album. w00t. Oh, and I defended the ACLU's representation of NAMBLA in someone else's journal. Yea, I'm fucking liberal and nuts. I just have a hard time backing away from an argument, especially when someone denigrates an organization I think does a fuckload of good work and I would kill, yes KILL, to work for.
Just two more exams to go -- alternative dispute resolution and professional responsibility. I think Friday night I'm gonna get a bottle of wine and drink it all by myself. The whole bottle. And Saturday I'm gonna lay in bed as long as possible. I freakin' deserve it. And Sunday I'll start revising my paper.