Why do I do what I do?

Aug 22, 2009 00:24

Who: Kitt. Oh, and anyone who wants to talk to him.
What: Discussions of deep portent. Or not.
Where: Outside Saint Fallen Hospital, where Kitt is making sure Mikaela is healing well.
Summary: Stubborn AI is stubborn, as ever.
Notes: Some people don't have the luxury of signing up to be a hero. They just get built for the job.

Good guys never sleep. They just recharge sometimes. )

† knight rider 2008 | kitt, † transformers: 2007 movie | will lennox, † kino no tabi | kino, !open

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kinos_journal August 22 2009, 17:02:24 UTC
Kino and Hermes had finished their visit with Mikaela and emerged from the hospital, intent on heading home. She hadn't noticed Kitt parked outside until Hermes pointed him out, so lost in her own thoughts.

She walked the bike next to the sleek black car and smiled, glad to see he was well. "Mr Kitt? Are you waiting to visit Miss Mikaela?


knightslegacy August 22 2009, 18:35:08 UTC
"She knows that I am here - I am here to wait for her release. I promised."

She hadn't seen this side of him before. The side that protected humans instead of needed upgrades. He was also in a different form than she'd seen before - before, he'd been in Attack Mode. Now, he sat in his normal mode, the fins receded, his wheels back to their usual silver spokes.

"I appreciate the upgrade you were able to equip. I further appreciate that I have yet to need to use it."


kinos_journal August 23 2009, 01:09:04 UTC
She nodded in understanding, then blinked "Have you gone to visit her at all, or are you just waiting for her to come out?" Kitt did seem like a very specific type of computer, and he didn't really transform, though he did change. She wasn't as unnerved by it as she might have been, considering how many of her friends turned into bipeds from cars and helicopters.

"I'm glad the upgrades were successful, and I do hope you won't have to use them. It just doesn't seem that way the longer we stay here."


knightslegacy August 23 2009, 02:19:45 UTC
"I brought her here," Kitt explained. "I have spoken to her after her treatment."

To him, that seemed to be enough. It was the grand tradition of Knight AIs.


kinos_journal August 25 2009, 01:34:23 UTC
He hadn't been by at all then, not even when Mikaela was sleeping. "That's not very good, Mr Kitt. You should visit her, if you are going to be here anyway. Miss Mikaela will think you do not want to see her, and will be lonely and bored, and you will be out here waiting until she gets better? That will be a few more days at least. You should visit her."

"Don't you like her?" Hermes asked, quriously. "Or are you angry she got herself kidnapped?"


knightslegacy August 25 2009, 02:06:27 UTC
"Cars do not belong in hospitals," he answered. "I will speak to her through her communicator while she is alone if she wishes."

Then his sensors swept over Hermes - a talking motorcycle. But he detected no AI that he could recognize. "I have no emotions," he told the other mechanical. "I cannot like her, or be angry with her. I have grown accustomed to her company, however. Also, I do not recognize how it is you have the capability of speech. I have detected no discernable form of AI."


kinos_journal August 26 2009, 00:48:45 UTC
Kino stared at the car for a long, quiet moment. "Cars. Um, Mr Kitt, there are many cars inside the hospital. Of course, most of them have turned back out of their alt-mode, but...while that may be true for your world, I don't think that is the case here. The hospital is rather designed to let cars- and robots who are 20 ft tall- into it."

She set Herme's kickstand and leaned against the bike. "I didn't realize you didn't have emotions. That's too bad. Did they get taken away from you on-"

Hermes interrupted impatiently. "What's an AI I don't have an AI do I Kino? Do I want an AI? Why shouldn't I speak? Don't you want to talk to me?"

Kino sighed, but still smiled at her Motorrad. "I'm sorry Mr Kitt, Hermes is my partner. He's a Motorrad." HEr tone implied that this was somehow an answer to how Hermes could speak without any equiptment to do so.


knightslegacy August 26 2009, 01:13:50 UTC
"I have no records of 'Motorrads'." Yet a Motorrad had the ability to speak and think. Interesting. "Only certain classes of AI have the ability of conversational speech in the universe I was pulled from. Any other form of machine life bearing the capability of speech is unusual to me."

Including the Cybertronians. He'd just had five-plus hours of immersion upon his arrival to get used to those.


kinos_journal August 26 2009, 03:15:28 UTC
The bike was amused. "Why would you want to play Motorrad music? Do you want me to sing? I can sing the birthday song I sang for Miss Mikaela-"

Kino interrupted quickly. "Hermes is a Motorrad." She repeated, uncertain of what more the other might want. "I haven't met any other Motorrads like him, he's very unique." He was a wonderful friend, but she'd never met anything.... else that was what Hermes was. Not that she had much idea what Hermes was. "You're the only... one like you?" She guessed from what Kitt had said, not entirely certain that she'd gotten it right.


knightslegacy August 26 2009, 03:37:46 UTC
He understood being eager to please. He had been like that once. Long before. Before he understood what a Knight AI was supposed to be. His reminiscance, however, remained hidden.

"I am the only known Knight-class AI," he affirmed. "I am one of a kind." Just like Hermes, it seemed. "It seems only one of us can exist at a time. Perhaps it is the same with you."


kinos_journal August 26 2009, 17:02:10 UTC
Hermes was eternally young. Four years on the road had only the slightest effect on mellowing the innocence and strange worldview the motorad held. "But why are you trying to play Motorrad music?" Hermes continued to whine, stopping only once Kino had explained that a record for music and a record that had information on it about things were different.

"You were build by someone," Kino assumed, since it didn't seem as though Kitt could have made himself if he were the only one. "Did they forget to give you emotions?" That was... sad. How could they not realize what having no emotions did? It created monsters of people... what did it make of Kitt?


knightslegacy August 26 2009, 23:54:53 UTC
"It was a choice of my creator, Doctor Graiman. I can better uphold my purpose without emotion, thus it was not added to my programming." He had heard the words often enough.

You're a machine. You can't have feelings.

Kitt. You don't have emotions.

He was an AI. He could remember each instance perfectly.


kinos_journal August 27 2009, 02:20:30 UTC
"That's not a very good choice, I think." She frowned, surprised that she'd said as much - she rarely openly criticized anyone for their actions or beliefs. That was not the rule of a traveller.
"I'm sorry," Her voice softened, slightly, watching the red scanning light as it moved back and forth. It reminded her of a targeting lazer. It probably was. "I just think that wasn't very fair to you. To have something so important kept from you... does not seem right to me." They should have given them to Kitt, and allowed him to learn to choose to follow them or not.


knightslegacy August 27 2009, 04:06:55 UTC
"Given the results of prior Knight AIs that were allowed emotion, to disallow emotion was seen as a safer option. As yet, it has not been a disappointment." He spoke evenly and clearly as he always did, the motion of his scanner calmly paced. "Of course, I am no longer in a place where such can be judged by my keepers."


kinos_journal August 27 2009, 05:15:39 UTC
Kino shook her head. "Of course it isn't a disappointment. If they didn't give you feelings, it won't ever be a disappointment." But now he was away from the people who had built him -- and if they were called 'keepers' she didn't think they were the best kind of people anyway. "Well, now that you can't be judged by them and by what other, um, Knight AI did, you should consider getting some. If you don't like them, you can always choose not to follow them, or to turn them off, right? Then you can judge for yourself, instead of letting people who are not like you judge you." She nodded firmly. "Don't let others make decisions for you. Make them for yourself."

Kitt reminded her, in a faraway sense, of her parents. Of the blank look in their eyes and the way they worked, every day, no matter how much they might have once wanted to do something else. Choice. Freedom. They were things no one deserved to have taken from them.


knightslegacy August 27 2009, 05:30:05 UTC
"I have been making many decisions on my own since my arrival. I do not think making choices is always a matter of emotion. My choices are based on rational thought, which emotion most often leads astray. I have seen it happen to my driver many times."

More than many. Mike had very little rational thought at all. He was mostly a creature of hormones, as Kitt knew well.


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